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Teridax's Mistake

Elmara: Spirit Of Fire


When one has no social life, such as myself, thinking is a common pastime. A few days ago I was doing just that when i realized that Teridax's plan had a few gaping holes in it that ultimately led to his destruction. Exhibit A:


When Teridax banished Mata Nui, what do you suppose was going through his mind when he decided to trap him inside the most powerful kanohi in the universe, one that controls the power of life itself?


Exhibit B: When Teridax banished Mata Nui, why would he shoot his brother towards a PLANET? I mean, there is the possibility that Teridax had overlooked the potential for life on said planet (Especially considering the planet was basically a round desert), but before then, it would seem as though Teridax had thought of everything. Nothing could go wrong, because he had made every possible outcome work in his favor. Why not, you know, shoot Mata Nui into the system's central star, or at least not towards the nearest planet? I mean, I get this if it's the Ignika, 'cause that would destroy all life in the MU, leaving Teridax (assuming he isn't affected) a ruler of an empty world.


So, I thought this warranted a blog post. I love having a place to write down my every thought. :P




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One word: arrogance. He believed he did think of everything and didn't probably consider anything beyond "LOL CONQUER MATORAN", nor did he consider the off-chance that Mata Nui would somehow gain control of the mask.

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From BS01:


Teridax banished the mask and Mata Nui into outer space, to prevent the Great Spirit from returning, and to save his newly gained body from obliteration by the Ignika.


So yeah, he didn't really care where it landed nor did he intend for MN to land in Bara Magna; the Ignika presumably landed there itself by chance.


Good theory nonetheless. :)

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When Teridax banished Mata Nui, what do you suppose was going through his mind when he decided to trap him inside the most powerful kanohi in the universe, one that controls the power of life itself?

Actually this one made sense. The Mask couldn't be just destroyed; it would unleash life upon every part of him, a horror-chaos even Mr. Nothing couldn't stomach. And since the Mask of Life was used to revive Mata Nui, it was a convenient way to remove Mata Nui's spirit. Other ways may have been very difficult, except just destroying the Core Processor which of course would defeat the purpose.


The best place to destroy Mata Nui actually would be once he uploaded his consciousness into the prototype robot, so killing him wouldn't destroy the Ignika. :)


Exhibit B: When Teridax banished Mata Nui, why would he shoot his brother towards a PLANET?

Actually, he most likely did not. He simply stood up, and shot Mata Nui upwards. Remember that from the island of Mata Nui, neither Bara Magna nor Bota Magna could be seen -- AM was orbitally aligned to point away.


So Makuta actually shot the Ignika away from any planets.


His mistake here is fairly understandable -- as brilliant as he is, he was dealing with a mathematical problem he wasn't used to -- the gravimetric trajectory logic of orbital directions. He probably assumed the mask would just fly off away from all three planets, not curve back and land on Bara Magna.


I say it was understandable 'cuz that was literally the first time he'd stood up as controller of a giant robot. Mata Nui probably would have been used to such things, seeing them as kindergarteney (:P), because he's been traveling through space all this time, but not Makuta.


I mean, there is the possibility that Teridax had overlooked the potential for life on said planet

He might not even have known it was there at first. Like I said, you can't see it from where the giant robot landed on AM. It might not be until he stood up or even until he took off from AM that he saw it and put two and two together (or maybe he found info on it in the memory banks).



but before then, it would seem as though Teridax had thought of everything.

That's because he was in "his realm." It's kinda like the Drome, if you remember that, when I was the top champion. I knew the ins and outs of it and "newbs" coming into it might have looked at me as seemingly all-knowing, able to pull off the impossible. But toss me into some completely different computer game and I might make newbish mistakes myself, yeah?


He learned "everything" about the running of the MU from Mutran via Tren Krom. But Tren Krom never had to deal with what Mata Nui did; traveling through space; he was just to keep the interior running while it was being finished.


Plus as one of the scientists, and leader of them, who designed the Rahi, Makuta had actually invented a significant percentage of that universe.


It was his backyard.


Why not, you know, shoot Mata Nui into the system's central star, or at least not towards the nearest planet?

I talked about this when it first came out -- think about what a living star could do! It might seem tempting, but even Makuta was probably knowledgeable enough to know a giant ball of gas turned alive by the Ignika being destroyed in it could be a serious, serious threat.


A living star could technically move itself around, by ejecting large amounts of plasma at once in one direction (like a rocket), and could intentionally shoot superfast, superdeadly solar flares in whichever direction it wished. Bad idear. ;)


So basically, the second part of your quoted sentence here is probably what he thought he was doing. At least that was where he aimed it initially.


It's also possible the Ignika could actually move itself (it's alive after all, and it can control life), so there may have been nowhere Makuta could have shot it that it couldn't come back from.

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