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The Impossible Astronaut



My brain was spinning in high gear for the entirety of the episode.


I'm still trying to figure it out.


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I mean, seriously, we've got Slender Man aliens you can't remember, an astronaut with a chick's head in it, Amy's pregnant, and the Doctor got shot in the future.


Plus that TARDIS-like device is back from "The Lodger".


And we'll have to wait another WHOLE WEEK for the conclusion. (Moffat, I hate you. :angry:)


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Yay! A fellow American who also hates the premiere that was not an entire back to back or full length debut.

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Moffat just writes them. He has absolutely nothing to do with how the broadcast it. Blame the producer or scheduling guy or something :P

Anyway, that's how they show it over here, and we actually make it, so that's how it's gonna be shown.


Great episode though :)

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Meh, I really liked it but it seems like one of those two-parters were the first part is just a setup for the big whopper that is the second part.


I have this crazy half-baked theory floating through my head but I won't reveal it just yet. :P

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@YUM: That's because it's going to be exactly what the next plot is, and strangely, you don't reveal it until 5 seconds after the next episode finishes! :o


And she's married. Were you expecting no mini-Amys?


And I bet the spacegirl is her daughter.


Hang on, you get DW at the same time as us now?

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@YUM: That's because it's going to be exactly what the next plot is, and strangely, you don't reveal it until 5 seconds after the next episode finishes! :o


And she's married. Were you expecting no mini-Amys?


And I bet the spacegirl is her daughter.


Hang on, you get DW at the same time as us now?

Technically, about six hours or so later.

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