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Held every November, National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo for short) is a writing competition where contestants have but thirty days, from the start of November to its end, to write a short novel of at least 50,000 words. It could be a masterpiece, or it could be crummy; and to be honest, the latter option is far more likely. But in participating in a month-long writing spree, you combat Writer's Block and see what it's like to write a novel.


Thank goodness competitors are allowed to plot out novels beforehand. I only have the first two chapters plotted, unfortunately, and I have yet to test out the two protagonists; still, I have the premise prepared (horror genre for the win!), and after watching The Others my inspiration experienced a spike in activity.


My plan is to write two thousand words per day, as two thousand times thirty equals sixty thousand, ten thousand words above the limit.


Are any other budding writers here planning to enter?


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I am definitely going to enter, for I have been doing it every November since 2008. Right now I am trying to decide between a science-fantasy story and a Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic. I really want to do both, but realistically I can only do one. I will probably figure it out by November 1st (hopefully :P ).



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I am definitely going to enter, for I have been doing it every November since 2008. Right now I am trying to decide between a science-fantasy story and a Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic. I really want to do both, but realistically I can only do one. I will probably figure it out by November 1st (hopefully :P ). -TNTOS-


While I'm but a newbie to NaNoWriMo, I think starting to plot out both stories would be a good way for you to judge which is better.


Eh, I don't think I'm going to do it. Writer's block intimidates me too much for me to get in. :P


That's the point of NaNoWriMo, though: Rather than attempting to find a detour, you just plow straight through the block like a frieght train. :P If you don't think it'd work for you, that's fine, though I encourage you to at least try.

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You got a point, but I think I won't. Mainly because I want to focus a little bit on school. If I get far enough ahead, then I might try it. Otherwise, naaah. :P

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Good luck, man. Won't be able to do it this year [college applications and school suck], but I really really hope to do it next year -- been meaning to for the past few years.


I do, however, hope to get back into writing, and maybe do my own sort of "NaNoWriMo" [to use it as motivation] just to get myself focused on writing again as I haven't done nearly as much as I should've been.



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