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Remembering The Fallen: Miraka



Well, BZPower is back up. The ArtIII forum (I prefer than name to "Comics") is revitalizing itself, old comic makers six months out of practice are returning to their old way of life. However, there are a few comic makers who either have not come back and might never return, or those who have retired and set course to continue with the rest of their lives.


This new series, Remembering The Fallen, is meant to pay homage to their memories. And the first person I wish to pay homage to is everyone's favorite yellow female Ragiran: Miraka.



Everyone in ArtIII loved Mir. Mir loved everyone in ArtIII. It was a beautiful thing to behold.


Miraka was the author of Alternate Reality Inc., which started as a retelling of the events of... I don't know what, but I want to say MNOLG or Mask of Light (correct me if necessary), but turned into a more standard studio comic later. It didn't run for very long (it basically ended during the downtime), but was very well-received during its time.


One of the greatest appeals of ARI was the sweet, simple sense of humor it incorporated. While other popular comics would rely on cold, calculated sarcasm (See Nuparurock's Comics), Miraka's humor was always warm, inviting, and non-threatening. Reading ARI would leave you with a warm, fuzzy feeling and usually a "d'awwww" on your tongue. Even her sad comics, like when she pulled a fake leaving on us, left me just a little warm. Very sad at the possibility of MirMir leaving, but still warm.


Some people say that it usually takes about 3 comics for new comic makers to hit their strides, give or take a comic or two. The only noted exception pre-Mir was the indomitable Kahinuva, who is known for his awesome (and I mean awesome in the true sense of the word) Live, Learn and Lawsuits. Miraka was the first person I can think of who really broke this mold, as her style was loved as soon as she hit ArtIII.


It wasn't just her comics either. Miraka always brought a warmness to ArtIII in everything she did. She was one of the great comic makers who would come and give advice to the noobs when they started comics. I still remember when Mir commented on my comic series for the first time. She gave me some good advice, encouraged me and gave me her little "Mira fonz" emote. I never felt so very happy with my comic series.


She always would leave encouraging comments to all comic makers she helped. While other comic makers gave "constructive" criticism, she always gave encouragement too. It was the kind of criticism that made you feel really good about your skill in comic making.


When Kahi told me that Mir wasn't coming back, I felt terrible. Miraka was one of the bright lights in a comics forum filled with cynics and noobs. I really felt a small part of me die when I heard that. It took me a while to cope. And hearing that one of her reasons was because she felt like she was too badgered by people to make comics, I felt horrible. I mean, what if I was one of those badgers?


Miraka was one of my inspirations. She climbed above the majority of comic makers due to her sheer likeability that surrounded her. She was loved everywhere she went, and I wish her the best in normal life.


Just know this, Mir, if you ever read this: If you ever do decide to come back, whether to continue ARI or just enjoy our company again, we'll welcome you back with wide open arms. You're always welcome in ArtIII, Mir.




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Aww...that gets me right here. *Hoofthump to heart area*


I think you said everything there is to be said about MirMir. And you're absolutely right. We would all welcome her back.


Mir, you were...dangit, you are an amazing comic maker, an amazing person, and an amazing friend. I'll miss you and your work.


But, hey, that's what Skype's for, right? :P

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