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Love As A Construct

Soaring Strawberry


Good morning! so not much has happened today, but my Dad continued work on the desk this morning. So, what is my desk like? Well, it is one of the largest I've seen. It's basicaly a box with drawers attached to it and an open side. It used to have that wood-imitation laminate stuff, but as the furniture in my room is white, it is being painted to match. Once the main structure is painted, we'll be able to at least get that set up in my room, so when my computer finally arrives we have a place for it. Then the drawer fronts will be taken care of.


Speaking of my computer, it still hasn't arrived. It was supposed to show up 10/15, but no luck yet. It's a little bothersome, because the people at Best Buy said that it was up to Dell to ship it. Personally, it doesn't make sense; wouldn't the store have its own warehouse of products that they ship? But I've never ordered a computer online before, so I wouldn't know.


At any rate, whenever I get excited about something, I start making a lot of plans. I'm already deciding what to add to my desk and what I will do with my computer, and I have several pages about it. For my desk, I was going to get these cube storage things from Target and make a hutch - I was thinking of two columns on each end with shelves going across for books and display. Meanwhile, my computer already has a list of programs waiting to be installed.


The other thing I'm waiting on is the external hard drive. our old computer from 2005 died recently, and at Best Buy we got the data transferred to an external hard drive. It's kind of sad -I played MNOLG 2, saw the Mata Nui Rising video, tried my tablet for the first time, and played my first MMORPG, World of Warcraft, on that machine. Anyway, all the 700-something GB are on the hard drive, and I've been told that I get it when everyone's got their stuff off of it.


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