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Ac13, Botw, And Sims 2

Lady Kopaka


Current Mood: Flustered

Currently Listening to: Apathetic Way to Be - Relient K

Currently Playing: Sims 2

Going to Watch: The Railway Children

Going to go read: Scewtapes Letters - C.S. Luis


Well, I am in a mood similar to Nikira. A bit disappointed as how our ACs going; and basically have the same opinion as she does (Read recent blog entry). So I won’t get into that since the dear already said what I was goin' to sah.


But yeah...I was so excited about AC13....WAIT A MINUTE. 13 IS AN UNLUCKY NUMBER. =O No wonder!


But I really, really want more ACs!




And on a lighter note which made me feel better, was I got Blog of the Week!! :happydance: It was funny, I always going to wonder if I was ever going to get it, and for some reason I had this funny feeling while it was loading...and I saw my name, and I was all like:




So very happy about that.




And ah yes, back in that terrible addiction of Sims 2; soon to buy Sims 2 Pets from a friend...And then decide either to get Seasons or Nightlife. Which one first?


The rest of my money will go my tablet I am plan on getting. :D Though my dad claims to have a big one the size of a table!



Que Garné....Namasté!


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Yeah, we need more art contests. And better prizes! BBC contests have, like, $100 prizes and prizes for second and third place and all the finalists and what does the art forum get? :(


I mean, I know there's 3 categories but runner ups deserve sommat too...


... yah. Congrats, again!

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Yeah, we need more art contests. And better prizes! BBC contests have, like, $100 prizes and prizes for second and third place and all the finalists and what does the art forum get? :(


I mean, I know there's 3 categories but runner ups deserve sommat too...


... yah. Congrats, again!

Why do you think I'm entering the BBC? :P




Because I can't draw....

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BOTW BOTW!! *dance* Instantly your view count goes up! :P Congrats, lady. And yeah, the AC is tottering along kinda funky. There's this one gruesome-ish entry that is winning over a really beautiful one, but I won't elaborate. It's the crowd. We'll cross our fingers.

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Happy Bloggodaweeck day! I just got back from a trip to New York City yesterday, so I haven't had time to vote in AC13, but if the voting is still taking place, I'll try to vote for your entry, though I admit you have some major competition (Then again, you also are some major competition :P ).


Don't be upset if you don't win, though. I'm not that interested in the prizes myself, which is why I didn't feel compelled to enter. All I enter for is the chance to get my art recognised, which is a goal you don't even need to strive for anymore!


(And of course 13 is an unlucky number! Why else would I have failed to enter after going through so much trouble to celebrate with an A Series of Unfortunate Events -based entry?


By the way, I got Peter Pan in Scarlet (the only authorized sequel to Peter Pan) while in New York. You ought to read it; it's the sort of adventure story that I think you would be interested in. It is as whimsical as the original Peter Pan & Wendy, but with darker themes, greater action, and far more suspense.


Anyway, it's nice seeing you again, and I wish you luck in the polls! :fonz:


- :vahi:


EDIT: I see that both Nikira and you have Lemony Snicket-styled, can't-see-my-face pictures in your Bio-block. I need to get one of those...

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Girl, you totally stole my ID idea! :lol:


Congrats on finally getting BOTW! :D Isn't it great to see those view rise so quickly?


I agree: it would be nice for some better prizes to be offered sometime. But right now, they're coming from Pohuaki's own collection and wallet, so I don't think we should complain.


I can't MOC for nothing, either. They always fall apart. XD


I still want a tablet. But Niki is very very poor right now. ;.;


Namasté right bak to you, LK! *actually knows what namasté means and is proud*



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That'd be her in the photo and... that elf enchantress whojamacallit woman from LoTR in the av, amIright?

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And ah yes, back in that terrible addiction of Sims 2; soon to buy Sims 2 Pets from a friend...And then decide either to get Seasons or Nightlife. Which one first?

Wait--you said you got back in the addiction. You mean you got OUT? :blink: lol


Ah, Sims... the only life I really have... :rolleyes: Well, Seasons sounds like it has more stuff than Nightlife. Plus, it also has some of the main features from Nightlife and other previous expansions, like Turn Ons/Offs and Influence. So, if I were you, I would get Seasons, albeit it doesn't have Nightlife's Dating feature. You would be getting more for your money.


And congratulations for being chosen for the Blog of the Week. It doesn't really surprise me--you get popular enough to get mentioned in a Comedy, it won't be long before your blog gets recognized. And from there... it's world domination. :P


It's a good blog, by the way. I think I'll be coming by here regularly.



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yah sims2 man i ruined tim burton,johnny depp, and danny elfman in that game depp kepps dieng i think burton and depp are lovers o_O also from the guests im my burton place kepp dieing so i made a grave yard so ya this is fun muhahahahahaha did i say i made thim roommates

Oh btw ill explane see depp was depresed then i made him talk to burton then soon i got them in love and i ruiend the best dudes in holliwood and elfman looks like back when he worked with his oingo boingo rock band in the 80's i think

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Don't be upset if you don't win, though. I'm not that interested in the prizes myself, which is why I didn't feel compelled to enter. All I enter for is the chance to get my art recognised, which is a goal you don't even need to strive for anymore!

Well since my art is already noticed, by next plan is to win an AC. But you are right, it doesn't matter if I win or loose; but still Niki and I are a bit grouchy on how wierd the votes are.


Girl, you totally stole my ID idea!

Wait, my bio picture? Well, hehe...I actually was playing around with ideas on messing up a picture, chose it cuz I liked it, then I noted that it looked a lot like your edit. So oops? :P


I still want a tablet. But Niki is very very poor right now. ;.;

I was poor, till dad let me do some work for him and I got $100! <3


Namasté right bak to you, LK! *actually knows what namasté means and is proud*

Ah woopie! I was waiting to see if someone also knew what that meant...So tell me; sanchai?


Ok 2 questions, who's in the avatar? and who's in the blog photo? Tell me...now...please...for me...?

Avatar: Galadriel from LotR

Bio pic: Me edited by PS


That'd be her in the photo and... that elf enchantress whojamacallit woman from LoTR in the av, amIright?

Lyger wins. *puts sticker on his forehead* :P


Ah, Sims... the only life I really have... Well, Seasons sounds like it has more stuff than Nightlife. Plus, it also has some of the main features from Nightlife and other previous expansions, like Turn Ons/Offs and Influence. So, if I were you, I would get Seasons, albeit it doesn't have Nightlife's Dating feature. You would be getting more for your money.

Oh good, another Sims 2 fan! Well, I get in and out of it due to lack of time, and when I don't play much I get out of it, but now that I have time to play I am all happy.

The main reason I want Nightlife is it adds on a lot of that 'city' feel, and because it has cars. Though my friend says Seasons is the best so far, so I will probably go for that one.



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Girl, you totally stole my ID idea!

Wait, my bio picture? Well, hehe...I actually was playing around with ideas on messing up a picture, chose it cuz I liked it, then I noted that it looked a lot like your edit. So oops? :P


Ah, no worries. That's how I came up with mine. :lol:


I still want a tablet. But Niki is very very poor right now. ;.;

I was poor, till dad let me do some work for him and I got $100! <3


:ohmy: Lucky. I've got a grand total of $2 right now. My father actually ows me, oh, I dunno... about 20ish dollars or so, but he can't repay me right now. ;.;


But I'm crossing my fingers for college. My dad said that my abuelo will probably get me some sort of technological gizmo for my highschool graduation, cause I'm the oldest grandchild.


Hee-hee. ^^


Namasté right bak to you, LK! *actually knows what namasté means and is proud*

Ah woopie! I was waiting to see if someone also knew what that meant...So tell me; sanchai?




*doesn't know what sanchai means*


Sorry, LK. I learned 'Namasté' from a kid at my drama class, who speaks Hindi. I know nothing else. :(



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That'd be her in the photo and... that elf enchantress whojamacallit woman from LoTR in the av, amIright?

Lyger wins. *puts sticker on his forehead* :P

Yay! :happydance:


It's what I've always wanted! ^_^

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*Brakes squeal*


*Gets out of car* (read latest blog entry)


*Runs to Lady K's Blog*


*Pants and catches breath*


OK! Sorry, I'm late. I meant to congratulate you a couple days ago. So belated congrats to you LK :) . That BotW was waiting for you since it began. I knew it had to happen. You blog certainly deserved it before mine, but at leat you got it, right?


Don't worry about the AC (I know it's easier said than done, but probably cause I'm not artist XD ), it's only a matter of time before you win, just like this BotW.


Like the new picture in your blog profile. Can't even make out your face *squints really hard* . Oh well, once again, congrats :) .


- :t::l::h:



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Mmm, I believe I read the Screwtape Letters last year for school. They're incredible. Highly enlightening while mildly humorous. A good read indeed. ^.^
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