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Upcoming Project: Build Mata Nui (In Lego System)



So, I mentioned before in my ignored blog post that I wanted to build Mata Nui the island. Xccj and I discussed it, Dan Parker and I discussed it, and we're ALL on the same page to get this done...


in March.


Now why do you, the reader, care?


Cause at some point, we will be asking for fan-submitted Mata Nui System-Based locations. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO MAIL ANYTHING TO US. We are going to have as much material as we can muster for this project, and so long as you provide good photos or instructions, we can rebuild it. If you are like me, with limited material -at home-, feel free to use LDD Extended. We don't need it immediately, we're nowhere near ready for anything at all yet. The scale we're looking at in total (for now) is 10 32x32 stud baseplates in length, 6 baseplates in width, and maybe 2 plates in height from the baseplate up (this figure is flexible for now). It'll be a sculpture, not a mosaic.


When we do ask for models (Feel free to build a few now) we'll tell you. Meantime, the following are already taken by either myself, Xccj, Dan Parker or someone I have asked:

  • Ga-Koro Naho Falls (with the Kaukau mask, Gali's)
  • Po-Wahi's Six Toa mask statues
  • Mangai (We'll handle it :P)
  • Toa figures (Dan has an idea for them, we'll most likely have a few models.)

Now, the earliest we can even begin to plan this is November. I myself can't even begin to build towards it in the shop until January, maybe December of this year. We also have plans for Kini-Nui, but will welcome all suggestions :P




Please, we ask if you do build in LDD Extended, build using known actual parts. For example, if it's tan in your photo, but no tan exists, we can't use it. Also, if it's a premium part with a premium color, assume we may not have it. That's sad, but we can adapt it. (Example: Dark Red may look nice in Ta-Koro, but we can use regular red too.)


I hope to have more information for you all soon, but for now keep it in mind.


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Here are some ideas of designs that we could use:

  • Rock Formations: I want to litter Po-Wahi with these, but it would be nice to have more than one design. The more intricate and/or compact the better.
  • Trees: We could just make the Le-Wahi jungle all one green plate, but where's the fun in that. Rather, we'll need to fill in the space with tons of trees. But while I have a design or two in mine, it would be cool to have a larger variety of tree types. Keep in mind the scale, so the trees should only be a couple of bricks tall.


I want to emphasize the scale; we're building the whole island, focusing on the geographic features. This means we won't expect to recreate the Ta-Koro village to its entirety. So if you've seen some cool landscape feature in some form of Bionicle media and want to build it in bricks, that would be awesome. But we don't want a recreation of Macku's hut, complete with a Hewkii plushie. :P



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Can I suggest that maybe you get some prolific system builders involved, like Nsnnan and Legohaulic for example? Having Bionicle fans who know the island really well AND builders who know the medium of System really well would be the perfect combination. Although I guess Swert is a member of both groups...

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