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Meeting Winston Churchill And A Dalek



During New York Comic-Con we met Winston Churchill well we sort of met him… okay we met his actor who plays him on Doctor Who, Ian McNeice. For $20 we got his autograph and we each got a picture with him.


Fawful and Winston Churchill

Cilan and Winston Churchill


We also got to get our picture taken with a Dalek. Daleks are much taller than they seem, it was kind of intimidating.


Fawful and a Dalek

Cilan and a Dalek


Of course I also said I had a story regarding a Nintendo representative I approached as Fawful. He was impressed by the cosplay. It was short, but very fun to do.


Fawful: Why doesn't Fawful have the being in Mario 3D Land?

Nintendo Rep: Not sure.

Fawful: You should have the telling of the bosses to put Fawful in a new game. Fawful needs a new paycheck!


There were a few more things that happened at NYCC, but perhaps that is for a different time. This pretty much wraps up my coverage of what James and I did at New York Comic-Con.


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