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My Orthodontist Rocks

Lady Kopaka


Current Mood: Tired

Currently Listening to: Chap Stick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry – Relient K

Currently Playing: (More) Sims 2


At this exact moment, I noted that Nikira and I have the same post count. :P


Ah, how much I want to go shopping! I'm not much for clothes shopping, but I do need a pair of pants and a few Ts. But the main reason is getting Seasons and THE NEW RELIENT K ALBUM! <3

So I hope I go asap.


Well, once again voting is going weird in the finals and not what I expected it to be, but oh well, it’s the majority. But still I dun like it. >>


I'm really tired. And my mouth hurts due to braces, and my Orthodontist said I was doing fine; but you know what he said to me?


Him: Ok, I you need to start brushing more often ok?

Me: Alright, yes sir.

Him: Because if you don't...I have a friend who comes and visits your house often, and if you don't have clean teeth he cuts off one of your fingers.

Me: :blink:

Him: I'm serious!




Well, I think I am going to either write on another Short Story, or do some art....Ideas? I want to do some big Bionicle art project since I haven't done many. But not sure what...


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How about, Bionicle interpreted from different nations? Like Raka's 'Babarien Toa' (sic). You could do Raahj the Indian, maybe a Russian Toa, an ancient roman...the possibilities!

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:lol: Look at that. We do have the same post count!


I don't like how Finals are going, either. It's like the world turned upside down when AC13 started. :wacko:


I was supposed to get braces a LONG time ago. I still haven't. ;.;



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Braces, the worst thing that can ever happen to you. Except if you simaltaneuously combust. That would be bad. But just an ounce worse than getting braces.




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Not anymore. 1984 vs. 1986.


Wonder if anyone here was born in those years.


AC for the computer category seems to be going right-side up... generally. Don't see why BKoD's awesome 3D thing ain't gettin' more votes than it is.

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Braces aren't so bad. I used to have them, but they'll be gone soon enough. And then you'll have these weird plastic retainers that you wear to keep your teeth straight. You have to brush them separartely in addition to your teeth, because if you don't, it will taste like you have constant morning mouth... ugh...

But I digress. My orthodontist isn't bad at all. He has Game Boy systems ranging from classic to Advance SP that you can play if you need to wait before or during your appointment. Not like that happens often or for very long, but whatever.


Keep up that brushing, Lady K! Your teeth will thank you! :D


- :vahi:

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:fear: I'd be scared half to death if my orthodontist said that to me. But it is funny though.


I want the Relient K album too *whimpers*. I hope you're able to get those clothes soon :) .


- :t::l::h:

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Yeah, and you and Nikira are like, two of the two and a half girls on BZP. :P


Oh Dear God. So...who's the Hermaphrodite?



*smacks head* *talking in a scotisch accent* Oy! they arrren't Hemifiiitghts therry joost verrry populaarr. Right? any who, I got meself some braces to, and I hate them with all my bein'n. I also have bottom braces and they are excrosiating!! Oh the Pain...The agony... IT BURNS!!! :-B <lookie here(buck teeth) I don't have them, but my sister does. Any way, I also have an expander. >_< I pretty much look like a geek. I want my braces to GO!!!


Hyper nuva :mirunu:

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Actually, Thanks for reminding me. I need to get the new album. hope it's out down under.


Besides, I can't find a good MP3 of "Crayons can melt on us for all I care" Without having to pay for it.


Well, at leats the few girls here are gifted. Nikira and LK can draw, LK can write, and GaliGee can write.


So it's balanced. :)


Gotta get that album.

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any who, I got meself some braces to, and I hate them with all my bein'n. I also have bottom braces and they are excrosiating!! Oh the Pain...The agony... IT BURNS!!! :-B <lookie here(buck teeth) I don't have them, but my sister does. Any way, I also have an expander. >_< I pretty much look like a geek. I want my braces to GO!!!


Hyper nuva :mirunu:

Expanders rock. I kept mine when I got it out. They look like 18th century torture devices!


Well, at leats the few girls here are gifted. Nikira and LK can draw, LK can write, and GaliGee can write.


So it's balanced. :)


Gotta get that album.

Tufi can Moderator and HH can draw and right. The list woudl go on and on. There are lots of girls. Tuan, <daydreamer>, Senjo...

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Man I hate braces! They kill me when they get tightened. That's why I have so many past lives :P. Hmmm....cutting off fingers? Scary. My orthadontist only gets up to disease if I don't brush more.

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