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Another sad entry for my blog...


As some of you will recall my aunt is in the hospital and she still is. Although her condition has improved greatly and she starts physical therapy next week. Which is good.


Although, not all is good. Now my grandfather is in the hospital due to an ulcer and his kidneys failed a bit. Because of the ulcer he lost two-thirds of his blood which is really scary. The good news is he is talking and is stable. His condition did improve a bit, which is a good thing.


He is still like his old self, still very stubborn. And he did kick a few of the doctors out of his room. So, I honestly think he'll make it. I hope I don't get like that when I'm older.


Either way I may or may not be as active the next few days. I'll try to be, but don't count on it.


I hope you get well soon, grandfather.




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Once again you have my deepest regards and I wish your family the best. I lost a cousin to a bad ulcer, its just not right the way our bodies betray our minds and leave us with such ailments. Hope to see you around Kohaku.

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I really hope your grandfather gets well soon... My grandmother died four years ago on March 19th after a long fight with illness, so I understand your concern...
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