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Video Game Music



So people who've read my blog and remember stuff about me would remember that I'm not a gamer of any sort. If things turned out differently, if I bought lots of games, got consoles etc, I'm sure that's exactly what I would become, but for most of my 20 years of life I've played next to no games. But I have a great appreciation for them, especially the story ones. Stuff like H*R and MSPA has also increased that attraction.


But what attracts me to video games the most is the soundtracks. Some of the compositions are simply beautiful, especially the ambient ones. I have loved music all my life, what with early upbringing hearing and learning it, and at different times of my life have played keyboards, piano, violin, cello and bass (the last two most extensively). My taste is broad, probably because all I care about is good melody/harmony and rhythm, and don't really give a whatever about lyrics most of the time. I like classical, rock, blues, punk, electronica, house, all sorts of genres. Video game music often fits well into a lot of those genres, and I don't feel it's appreciated as much by the general community, those outside playing those games, like me.


My fascination with game soundtracks began with a classic BZPower game which I'm sure you're all familiar with, Flow of the River. It has a great compilation of classic songs from different classic games as part of its soundtrack, remixed/rewritten by [former] BZPower member Xavier, I think. A couple of them really tickled my fancy long ago when I first played, like the Air Temple and Water Temple themes, both adaptions of themes from DK2, I believe. But yeah, it sparked my interest in some games as well, simply for their classic tunes that accompany them.


Add to this the pseudo-video game music of Homestuck, and it's really inspired me to do some writing of my own. I think my style would be more of the ambient or progressive style rather than video game music itself, but yeah, it's certainly inspired me, also since a lot can be done on your own, which is a bonus. Also because I really miss playing music, it's been a long time since I played cello, and bass playing is irritatingly infrequent. Because frankly music is the one thing that has always moved me, inspired me. Nothing else has. Over the summer, whenever I have free time I just want to compose and make new stuff, and stuff that I will really like, not necesserily what others might like. I'm looking forward to it.




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You gotta listen to the Super Meat Boy soundtrack if you haven't already. It's amazing, probably my favorite of all time. Mirror's Edge's soundtrack is great as well. I also recommend Deus Ex's and Deus Ex Human Revolution's soundtracks.

Also the Portal 2 soundtrack is pretty great, and it's free.


I ended up recommending more that I originally planned but I just kept thinking of great ones. :P

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If I may add some, I strongly recommend the soundtracks from all Assassin's Creed games, as well as those from the Halo series.

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Halo is one I always hear about, so thanks. I'll also take Assassin's Creed into account as well.


HAZMAT, if you read this, lol yeah right, I went and got the Portal 2 soundtrack, because it was free as you said, ahaha. Man some great stuff there, some great ambience/mood to a number of them. I'll try and listen properly again, but thanks for that!



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