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Frost Watches, Cookies, And Semi-Writer's Block

Peach 00


Yup, it's freezing outside (but it's not snowing) in about forty/fifty/thirty degree weather, and I'm wrapped up in a blanket sitting next to a heater. Oh, how I love winter...:P


Yesterday I baked some cookies and brownies, and today I'm planning on making more. Sorry, if you want some, you're going to have to make the drive to where I am. =P But yay, warm baked cookies on a cold day = <3


And, apparently, I have sort of some writer's block, which I had a feeling was going to happen. Either that, or I'm just giving myself an excuse not to write. Any threats people could send my way to get me to get writing again, please? :P


But that's the basic news flash for today, but now I've got to go make some breakfast and watch the F1 India race in an hour or two. If you haven't seen any Formula One races, look up some from last year and see if you like it. 200mph+ cars are always awesome to watch. =D


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I was just going to say that I had a bad writers block as well not too long ago. Then I just sat down and forced myself to start writing something. That actually helped it. Maybe try that?

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