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So Much Writing...

Takuma Nuva


I really don't follow this whole "NaNoWriMo" thing, so I don't know squat about it. However, I currently find myself in a dilemma in regards to writing.




Srsly, I can't decide what to work on first. (All titles are subject to change)



"Servants of Justice"

Bionicle/Section 8 (video game) crossover.


In the future, the inhabitants of Bara Magna have expanded to the point of encountering the human race. The Toa merge with the humans' military force known as Section 8 in a shaky alliance. Rumors arise of a Nui Stone being found on a nearby planet and now it's a race to get there before the Dark Hunters do. (Contrary to how it may sound, humans would actually be seldom found in the story.)



"Celestia's Origin: The Council of Sol"

Yes, I'm almost ashamed to say I've been inspired to write pony-fiction.


Before Celestia became princess of Equestria on planet Earth, she was the daughter of a Stallion known only by the name "Sol", leader of the Sol Council. He and the council were responsible for governing and managing the movement patterns of all heavenly bodies in the solar system. That is, until a dark evil from beyond the Milky Way arrives and begins eliminating members of the council...



"Harmony and Deception"

This pony-fic actually has the prologue and the first chapter already finished.


The denizens of Ponyville are preparing for the "Spring Has Sprung Festival". However, a strange outbreak of resilient vines have complicated things by springing up all around Ponyville. On top of that, a mysterious stallion with two mechanical legs and a cyborg eye has entered the scene. Although he seems relatively friendly, he remains secretive about his past and continually makes the mane six doubt themselves and the Elements of Harmony they represent. Worst of all, Twilight Sparkle suspects a plot to assassinate Princess Celestia is ahoof...



"Turtleneck Trouble"

This would actually be my first (second, I forgot about "Super Cool Action-Hero Xearaz") story that isn't fan-fiction.


Move over, bad guys. Here comes that revered hero, Doctor Mikejohn (Medical Experience: Highly medical, highly experience) and his trusty side-kick, Sir Kyle Henry. Once again they must save planet earth from unspeakable villainy. Will the duo triumph or will the world's population fall victim to the evil schemes of Doctor Mikejohn's shape-shifting arch enemy, Count Von Thread-count?



S'yeah, too many stories to write, not enough time...





Recommended Comments

"Bionicle/Section 8 (video game) crossover."



that makes no sense at all... but I'd still read it.


I'm currently waiting on my stars to PM me some crucial info so I can get started.


Also, think "elemental ammo/equipment".

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