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Unity Will Be Tested...

The Dark Chronicler


As you have possibly read, I am planning a story without a concrete plot, that grows and develops as it goes along.


It has seen a positive response that I had never expected, or had ever hoped for. It's better than I could have imagined.


And for the possibly short time that I will still be able to blog, I will use it to discuss ideas for Unity.


Now, onto the meaning of this Entry.



The Idea so far is for this story to take place on what is the near future of the planet Spherus Magna. The Toa and Matoran has somewhat integrated into the society of this new planet. The planet is now covered in life after Mata Nui completed his destiny.



I have spent the past few days working on creating a villain that isn't your generic enemy, your common final boss.


I hope that he has turned out as well as I imagined he would. But to understand him, first I will have to explain his species and how they have come to Spherus Magna.



They are a group of scientists.Their mission was to explore the universes outside or their own to find a possible cure to a dangerous disease that there are no cures for as of yet. This is not a species destroying disease like you see in movies, more along the lines of the black plague, killing off huge numbers of people. They discovered no cures within their own world. So they moved into the creation of drastic measures to fight the deadly disease. A group of scientists were brought together to create a device, built to search other worlds for the cure. The scientists created a marvel of technology, a metal city, including biodomes to contain and grow food on their trip though universes.


In the center of the city is a powerful device, the greatest invention of their civilization. A powerful machine that works like an Olmak, moving the entire city through universes. Unlike the mask, it takes incredible amounts of power to run. Unlike an Olmak, they do not simply appear inside another universe, but a sort of world between. They left their own world, to save their people from the deadly plague, but they were so intent on their mission, that they made a horrible, horrible mistake. They did not map which universe was their own, and lost lost in a sea of different worlds, hoping only to return to their own.


They have found the cure, but it does no good. They have no way to return home, and are left searching, traveling from universe to universe, searching for their missing home.


The only problem is, that to achieve their mission, they are willing to kill anything and anyone who dares stands between them and their home universe. And to achieve that goal, many will have to die.


The creatures have weak powers, which vary between different individuals, much like elemental powers for Toa. But these powers are nowhere near as powerful as elemental powers. They are slightly stronger and more durable than Glatorian, about Toa level. This leaves them weaker in direct combat to their foes. But they balance the field with superior weaponry. Weapons so advanced they can only be described as late 19th century guns.


They appear similar to Glatorian, and they are mostly organic. They have pale blue-green skin, and a variety of eye colors. They have hair, some having facial hair, with a variety of hair colors.



And that is what I have come up for as the villain species. Some of you may not like the idea of a traveling species outside of the main universe arriving. Which has been used in stories many times before. But I assure you, I made this as different from anything else as I possibly could.



Now, for the main villain himself.



He is the leader of the scientists living in the metal city. He is not the most skilled among them, but he knows how the machine works better than any of them, and keeps it running as best he can. He is missing the uppermost finger on both of his hands, which have been replace by small backwards facing hooks. He is not a powerful fighter, similar to the rest of the scientists. He has pale yellow eyes and white hair on his head, but none on his face.


That is all I can reveal about him at the moment.




Anyone have any complants about this, see anything you don't like? Then say it here, this is going to be a story for all of us. If you don't like something, we all have the power to change it.


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I have a few questions.


1.Why don't the villains just ask for an Olmak to travel faster? If the machine that they have is so energy costly, why do they use it and not improve upon it with other Universe's tech to make it easier? Is it that they're too prideful? Do they not speak the same language? Some undisclosed reason?


2.You said this happens in the near future planet Spherus Magna. Can I get a bit more info? Like, The Shadowed One, and Marendar? Are they still out there? Is this mysterious Great-Being-like enemy the only threat to the Toa and Glatorian?


Other than those small questions, I love the species/villain. But they kinda reminds me of the Great Beings...

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1. There are no Olmak in existence in the main universe at this time. One was damaged, then destroyed. The other was absorbed into Vezon. Therefore, they have no way to get such a mask of universal travel.


What technology do you expect them to find? They have traveled many different forms of Spherus Magna so far, perhaps all they have seen is destruction. Maybe this will be the first one where there is actually technology they can actually use. For it will also be the first time they even meet Toa.


They do indeed speak the Agori language, but why is that?



2. Interesting you ask that. What part will they play in this story? Will the Shadowed one be after the advanced city's technology? Is he even alive at this time? Is Marendar still on the loose, hunting down Toa?


Perhaps they are, perhaps they aren't. That is not up to me to decide, but to all of you. Are there more enemies? Maybe... maybe not...




3. Interesting that you say that BioBeast, very interesting indeed...

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I find this interesting so far, but what kind of mad scientist are we talking about. Do we mean, frankenstien, well intentioned extremist, utterly insane. Etc.

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Hm... well intentioned extremists are the closest to what the scientists are like. They aren't like the other two at all. So we're talking scientists who as a whole are after the survival of many of their people. They don't care who gets in their way, they are determined to succeed.

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