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Garreg Mach

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Huge Success!



My BZP plans for today included various things such as the following:Eat Tacos

  1. Finish writing Tahu vs. Tahu: Aftermath (check it out!!!) Chapter 4 and post it.
  2. Write Vultraz's Journey Returns (check it out too!!!) Chapter 4 and post it.
  3. Finally decide where the heck I'm gonna put ORIGINS (blog or epics?).
  4. Watch my fifth My Little Pony Episode. I was thinking 22, 26, 18, or 7.
  5. Finish up the first post for Bionifight 4, decide on whether I'd use a subtitle or not, and then post it.
  6. Post a couple times in Day Run.
  7. Eat more Tacos.
  8. Watch Shadow of Israphel (does anyone know of this?)
  9. Brouse BZPower
  10. Eat cake
  11. Eat more Tacos.

This is the stuff I completed:#1: Eat Tacos

  1. #6: Bionifight 4 problems
  2. #7: Day Run
  3. #8: Eat more Tacos
  4. #9: Shadow of Israphel
  5. #10: BZPower
  6. #11: Eat Cake
  7. #12: Eat more Tacos

All in all, I feel really sick from all the cake, chips, pop, and tacos I've ingested. It didn't help that I was laughing at both Fails of the Weak and Shadow of Israphel, and I've accomplished nothing with any of my Comedies or other stories (ORIGINS).


So I guess you could say today is a HUGE SUCCESS!!!




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Shadows of Israphel is awesome. They need to make them more often though. Though I am glad they are finally going to rescue daisy. Ready for next one.

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Yes, I'm glad they're finally going to rescue her too.


It sounds like they aren't going to go to Icaria after all though at this point. :(



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