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Tossed Salad, Meet Scrambled Eggs

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Hello there. Have we met?


For the many here that don't know me, I go by KIE on these boards, which is short for Kopaka's Ice Engineering. I derived the name from the bridge Kopaka built at the end of the first BIONICLE comic so many years ago. I am a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Louisiana, though right now, I live and work in Illinois. Within the next two months, my family will be moving back to NOLA [greater New Orleans], more properly, the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain. Hence, I will retain the "Chocolate City" reference in my blog's title, even though we're far closer to the outskirts of Chicago right now.


I am 32 years old. I met the woman who would be my wife while we were summer missionaries some 10 years ago in northeast Ohio. It was there I discovered an Onua canister, and wondered aloud why LEGO Bricks weren't this cool when I was in the target age. I became an AFOL at that point, and have nestled into a no-longer-board-active role on staff here at BZPower.


I am a father. My daughter Bonnie is 7½ months old at this juncture, and she is just so precious. I must gush, for she is my first child, and we do get a share of comments from random people about how beautiful she is.


I like to play around in the kitchen. The 2011 edition of Tryptophantic Advent will include staying home instead of traveling. I'm roasting a turkey, too, this year. Wish me luck.


I've worked for the company I work for now for 2 years. They've been in the bridge business since 1893, and the name is synonymous with excellence in bridges. It's funny, though, since 25 months ago, I was laid off from 4+ years modeling and maintaining [in an office role] the sewer system of Jefferson Parish. Admittedly, that has nothing to do with bridges. BUT, it was a bridge design program about 20 years ago, when I was a participant in MATHCounts that led me to engineering, civil engineering even, in the first place. A long, circuitous route to come full circle.


I am also open to a line of questioning, if anyone cares to ask anything. If nothing else, expect more to filter in during the coming weeks as we move back south, out of winter's way. Seriously, why is it December outside the door already?




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Good luck on the move. :)


I think as a father, you have a right to gush about your precious children. I am sure your daughter must be beautiful.



Are you still going to work in Illinois or will you find work closer to your family (after the move)?

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Glad to hear you're moving back to NOLA! I know you love it there. Where are you going to be on President's Day weekend? You should head out to BrickFair Alabama!

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Byron, it's always good to hear updates from you. Glad to see you're doing well and moving back to the place you love so much! Now when can I expect more entries about cooking? ;)


PS: What's your status on making it to ye olde BrickFair DC this year?

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I remain employed by the New Orleans office, even though I haven't been there in over a year. I'm on a field assignment that relocated be 900 miles away. Once that assignment is done, I report to work in the office. In other words, I will not be looking for work in Illinois, in fact, I will move and not look back.



According to the website, it's MLK weekend, not President's Day. We may end up there yet.


Pinkie,er, Smeag:

The bird will make an entry this year. If a trip to the mid-Atlantic happens this August, it will not include Bonnie: she flew with us only because there was no other way, and we will avoid that until she's older. She may yet be that old in 10 months' time: we'll know then.



Which bridge? Did I actually talk about my bridge here?

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