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Audio Rant Incoming



So like, my old earbuds are starting to fail. They weren't a really good pair (only about ~$10 at Radio Shack?), but I did like them. Now that they're breaking I've opened my unused Apple earbuds that came with my iPod touch.


And my gosh, these sound completely different. It always bothers me when different speakers/headsets put out different sound.


And the worst part is I can't tell which I like more. D: I think I want to side with the Apple earbuds since the deeper bass sounds a bit closer to my desktop speakers/subwoofer (not to mention they're waaay more comfortable). But I've gotten used to my old earbuds so this sounds weird to me.


*Shuts up and listens to music*


EDIT: Okay, Apple earbuds are definitely better. Woohoo. :3


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@Lord Oblivion Sadly, no. I believe those only come packaged with iPods that lack their own volukme control (i.e. last gen Shuffle). I don't really need that feature though, because the iTouch's volume button are really convenient.

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