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Voting Tonight? Might Give Up Mlp? Might Leave Bzp? Ask Shad



Apparently people voted for stuff tonight. I should pay attention to life more.

I might give up MLP. I looked at myself and realized... What the heck have I become? I ALMOST BOUGHT A SHIRT WITH A FREAKIN PONY ON IT!

...Nah, I'll stick with it. But I'm getting the skull shirt instead.


Leaving BZP? Might. I'm getting burnt out of it here. People are starting to start the excplicit that almost tore the site before, and some new stuff too. If anything, I'm just gonna stick to CoT and Library more, now(As I've been trying to do).

Hmm... So who wants to ask me questions?


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Images are superficial. I wear pretty much all black with metal band shirts, but I'll wear anything if I like it. Also, just so you know, you've been much nicer and happier here it seems since you've become a brony. I don't know you that well, but you definitely seem like a cooler guy now.

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But there's no reason to be so closed minded about your perceived self. If you're finding out you can like things you could not consider before, that's good. Stepping out of your comfort zone just leads you to be a more tolerant and nice person.


At least, in my opinion. But that's just me.

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Meh. I still think it looks... hmm... I actually don't think I can say what I think it would look like with starting a fire fight.


. Also, just so you know, you've been much nicer and happier here it seems since you've become a brony. I don't know you that well, but you definitely seem like a cooler guy now.

Thanks I think. :P It has lightened my mood a little.

But it was a bunch of other things that made me quit being so angry at the world.

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You were probably going to say something about the lines of "it is so gay" which is just :L


But I guess if you want to quit MLP due to the regular confusion related to teenage inanities and personal image, that's really just up to you. Just think it over.


And yeah, you do seem like a cooler person nowadays. Not that I know you that well.

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It's all in the eye of the beholder. Many people I know think excessive black and chains look like how you think pony shirts look. And yes, that was a compliment @earlier statement :P

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@Dotcom: that is what I was gonna say.


Really? :P I think that way about "guyliner" unless your actually on stage in a concert.

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I resent the implication that one can't be gay and also a good, reasonable person.

Or that it's anything to shun.


But that there's another discussion entirely and not for this site.

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Tuff cookies?


I never said ya'll weren't reasonable people.

I just do not approve of it.

I'm not insulting you.

I just don't agree with it.


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For the record I'm all for gay acceptance and everything, I just don't think straight guys should act/dress gay if they're not.

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