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Guys, he's a unicorn. He has magic. He telekinetically moves the flute to his mouth where he blows into it, then telekinetically moves all 15 or 16 keys.


And I just had a name idea, but I don't know if you'll use it, seeing that you probably want to keep "White Noise." He could be called Treble Clef. That kind of applies to most music, right?

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Nah, I'm still kinda iffy on White Noise given how ironic it makes my OC. Treble Clef is kinda generic, though; plus I don't actually have a treble clef as a cutie mark. :\


If only you could make polls in blogs, then I'd make one with my ideas for my OC's name...

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Nah, I'm still kinda iffy on White Noise given how ironic it makes my OC. Treble Clef is kinda generic, though; plus I don't actually have a treble clef as a cutie mark. :If only you could make polls in blogs, then I'd make one with my ideas for my OC's name...


Since he plays a flute, a wind instrument, what about "Windy," or "Breeze?" I think Breeze is cute ^_^

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Windy (Note) is actually on my suggestions list already, lol. Great minds think alike? Breeze reminds me of Breez, though. XP


Woodwind's a bit generic, too... I just don't feel like it's the right name.


If only I could do what Dash is doing next episode with names instead of pets DX

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If only I could do what Dash is doing next episode with names instead of pets DX
If you do, be sure to break out in song. :P


"How about a song?"


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