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Unity: (Some Of) The Important Questions

The Dark Chronicler


Unity... a world in the making, and entire universe to be formed by those who write it.


But first, opinions are needed to decide some rather important, and currently unresolved questions.




Should this story take place in only one universe, or should we expand it into multiple?

Single Universe :......4

No vote (BioBeast) : 1

Multiple universe :....0

Flaskback universe :1



Should there be a main protagonist in the story, or should multiple people create their own protagonists, and not have one central, important character?

One :........................1

No vote (BioBeast) : 1

Multiple :...................4



If there is a main Protagonist. Should that person be without a true creator, able to be controlled and directed by anyone and everyone, or should the character be written about by a single person? Being under multiple people would allow their story to progress more easily, but under one person, they are not likely to change personalities even slightly under different authors.

See 2 :........5

No creator : 1



Should there be something more dangerous than the scientist, something worse than they are?

Yes :......1

Maybe : 5

No :.......0



What should the current state of Spherus Magna be? Is it unified, or are their multiple nations and countries that have formed? Is there no government at all?

Unified :........2

Multiple :......3




What has happened to the Matoran and other non-native species to the planet? Have they survived well, or are their numbers in decline? Have any Matoran Universe Species gone extinct?

Yes :.....1

Maybe : 1

No :.......4



Same as for five, only with the native creatures and beings.

Yes :......0

Maybe : 2

No :.......4



Are Zyglak still staying apart from civilization? Have they banded together to form their own? Have they joined into the new planet-nation/nations/anarchy?

Separate :...5

Depends :...1

Civilization : 0



How powerful is too powerful? Should their be any limits to what species can be used as characters?

Yes :.............................4

Don't care (BioBeast) : 1

No :...............................1



When should we start the story?

1/1/12 :.................................3

Whenever (Nitro Frost) :.......1

After Christmas (BioBeast) : 1

Don't care (Onarax) :............1



Are any of the writing team/people maybe on the writing team, besides Cadias, BioBeast, and Onarax reading these blog posts? The ideas and opinions of more people would really help with the story preparations.

Yes : Nitro Frost and The Fearless leader

No :..Tyler Durden and Ghosthands


Recommended Comments

1.I don't really care.


2.Don't really care.


3.See 1. and 2.


4.Well there should be other threats, like TSO and such, but unless they accidentally unleash something worse in a different dimension they should be the main threat.




6.I'd say that they're fine.


7.I'd say that the natives and the MU natives band together in the one super city that they were trying to build.


8.I'd say that they're still staying apart from civilization.


9.Don't care.


10.After Christmas preferably.


11.Probably not.

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1. Real helpful there Biobeast. XD


2. Still highly helpful. XD


3. This will easily help decide the answer to the question. XD


4. I agree with you there.


5. I myself was thinking multiple nations. Since I think the Skakdi and Vortixx would want to be on their own. And that not all beings may see eye to eye on how they should be governed.


6. Yeah, I was thinking so too.


7. What about the Vorox, do you think they will do well without the sand they call home?


8. Yeah, I was thinking the same way.


9. Then I shall create a flying laser vision shooting Brakas, that is invincible, and can alter reality with his thoughts. (Joking here. XD)


10. I was thinking maybe around new-years day.


11. Yeah, I didn't think so.

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1. I'd prefer if it centered on Spherus Magna, rather than jumping around from world to world or universe to universe.


2. I think multiple people should create protagonists. It would, I think, allow the story to be more varied and interesting.


3. See 2.


4. It'd be interesting... and would allow for the story to stretch on longer. The only question is.. is that a good thing? :P


5. I think it should be unified. A few seperate nations would be interesting, though.


6. I'd think that they're fine. After all, Matoran were made with machines.. maybe they've found said machines.


7. Some level of seperation would be understandable, but hopefully not too much.


8. Probably staying apart.


9.Definetely. There should be no super-beings with god powers. Custom species? Fine. Maybe we should use the BZPRPG charater creation rules as a basis for rules?


10. I'm fine whenever.


11. Sadly, I doubt it. There has been a disappointing lack of communication amongst the team.

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1, So would I.


2, I was thinking the same thing. But both sides of that debate have their good points.


3. Same.


4, I know, it is something I'm not sure of myself.


5. ... what's with the unity? Does everyone think all the species from Both the Matoran Universe, and the planet are going to get along perfectly? Or am I just blinded by the thought that people have trouble working together?


6. I was thinking the same.


7. Maybe...


8. I thought so too.


9. Aw man, there goes my reality warping supermonkey.


10. New years sound good to you?


11. I know. I was really hoping for a bit more communication between writers. Maybe I should P.M. them all...

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1. Spherus Magna only, please.


2. Different protagonists as well-I know that each person might have a different idea of what the main one should be. That doesn't mean I'm not for supporting protagonists, however-I know my char will probably be one.


3. I feel like at first, each person should mainly write from the viewpoint of their own chars-but after a while, I think people will start to get the feel for other chars and may start writing them. If that becomes law, please make sure there's not a set number of chapters in which it is promoted to get used to guys, because I know everyone gets a feel at a different pace. Especially when some writers type chapters that are harder to typify chars from.


4. Maybe there should be something behind the scientists which is hinted at occasionally and is finally revealed to exist at the end of the climax or in the resolution? I feel that'd be chill for allowing continuation onto a great sequel.


5. "NOT UNIFIED" is my vote. Different factions and nations rise and fall in uneasy coexistence (Ya really think that the glatorian and agori are happy with having a bunch of guys more powerful than them living right on their doorstep, and that the toa/titans/etc. are happy about living right next to guys a lot different and a lot more numerous than them?). Heck, maybe this could be during a period edging towards all-out war between the peoples-I love those.


6. No one's gone extinct quite yet due to tech and resourcefulness, but a lot of rahi are probably not having the best time trying to find new habitats before dying. Pretty sure all water-based rahi coming out of the robot are in for a shock when they find themselves in a desert.


7. Not really. Maybe the giant robot dinos of Bota, though. I could see them being hunted for food lul xP


8. Probably on their own, perhaps making alliances in secret with the inhabitants of Bara Magna due to mutual fear and dislike of toa.


9. I'd place limits on power to allow only that of a Toa Nuva at the most powerful, including adaptive armor and such. No nuva masks or chars, of course; but toa can have two masks and an element, or one masks and AMAZING elemental control. Custom species can have around that amount of power.


10. Whenever. Just not too late.


11. As seen throughout this post: Yes, I am reading these blog entries xP I just don't always comment.


-The Fearless Leader

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1. My thoughts exactly.


2.I was liking the multiple Protagonists myself. It means no one has a more or less important character than anyone else.


3. I like the Idea of letting everyone else get to understand each others characters over time. It will hopefully lead to a more interesting story. I was not planning a set number of chapters, that way the story isn't cut short or stretched out too far. I've never been the best at typifying characters myself.


4. Leave it at a sort of cliffhanger, interesting. Hint throughout the story at something possibly worse happening... I like it.


5. I agree with you there I love the idea of a volatile world. Exactly my thoughts, the Glatorian and Agori were already against each other before Mata Nui arrived, and he only managed to get them to work together. Eventually, their differences will show again and split them apart. And then, there are the MU natives, who all have their own beliefs. And the idea of it being a very fragmented time is perfect. That could even be the ending thing hinted at throughout the story.


6. What I was thinking too, not everything is going perfectly on this world, Mata Nui's creation of plant life is not as positive as it had appeared earlier.


7. Flintstones... Meet the Flintstones, They're a modern stone age family!


8. Or maybe even with the Skakdi... since I don't see the Skakdi really getting along with Toa and Glatorian either.


9. Yeah, I think limiting power is a good idea, though should someone want to be one of Sidorak's species, or Krekka's, or even Brutaka's species, I would see nothing wrong with that if they don't try to overdo their own power.


10. New Years day sound good to you?


11. IT'S A MIRACLE! Well, at least I know another person hasn't already forgotten about this. XD

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1. Spherus Magna is still undefined enough for good storytelling, and we could create locations on it when needed.

2. Multiple Protagonists, eventually merging into one story.

3. Erm...not quite sure. Maybe, maybe not.

4. YES. It should be either a Man Behind the Man, or something else, even worse. Eldritch Abomination?

5. Multiple cities, but a central government in place in some city...where the Agori Megavillage is/was/shall be?

6. Manas were hunted to extinction by the combined forces of Agori and MU inhabitants, and Mana-ko are used as guards for the more sensitive areas of the world. Otherwise, Kanohi Dragons are endangered, but no sentient species are extinct.

7. If an Ice Age occured, the Megasaurs of Bota Magna are gone.

8. They have no reason to band together with the rest of the MU.

9. No Makuta(Well, they're all dead, excluding one Alternate Universe one.) or extra Nuva.

10. Good at any time.

11. Hiya.

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10. Sure.


11. Lol. It sure as heck isn't easy to forget something for me when every other NBZP post seems to have that in its signature.


-The Fearless Leader

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Nitro Frost


1. Then it seems that support lies in only the planet itself then. I'm quite happy with that.


2. Sounds right to me!


3. Biobeast, see what you're done? Now you've made Nitro Frost unable to decide too! XD


4. Man behind the man? There wasn't planned for anything to be behind the scientists except themselves.


5. I was thinking along the wording of 'was'. It was there, but it split apart into multiple governments, all for themselves.


6. Really, would you want to hunt Manas, or just leave them alone? I know which I would choose! And Mana-Ko... are we sure the Order of Mata Nui Exists anymore? If it doesn't, then perhaps the Manas-Ko are free to do whatever they want... And I thought there was only one Kanohi Dragon, or am I getting confused?


7.And so would most of the heat-needing Rahi.


8. Exactly my thoughts.


9. Yeah, Makuta have all been deadified. And I agree on the no Nuva.


10. Perfect.


11. Hi.



The Fearless Leader


10. Cool.


11. Exactly the point. I have an obsession with the RPG right now, and that allows me to advertise this while doing so.... I'ta all part of the plan. The plan to rule the world create an awesomely unique epic.

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Maybe an uneasy peace between Toa and Agori? That way, it won't be an all-out war, but tensions are high and war can develop with the right... events taking place.


I also supoort the idea of different nations. Makes it more interesting.

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Yes, and perhaps a group of unknown creatures coming out of nowhere would be enough to light the fuse between these volatile peaces, and they might crumble like glass under the force of a train.


So do I.

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1. I think that we should touch on other universe but be mainly focused on Spherus Magna, although my characters will be in flashbacks of another universe. Like we came up with.


2. I say one main protagonist, in order to help unify the story some more


3.No true creator.


4. Depends on how Story goes.




6. Some species probably did go extinct.


7. Read 6.


8. Depends on how story goes.


9. I think that as long as characters are written well I'm fine with them. This isn't an RPG some characters are bound to be more powerful than others.


10. Don't Care.


11. Um.....

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