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I'm still really upset about this game being pay-to-play instead of free/premium or micro-transaction based.


Mainly because my schedule's been very erratic, and now more than ever, I just can't afford $15 a month for something I may not even play every month.


And given both Bioware's track record with the franchise, and the fact when Star Wars games are good, they're absolutely brilliant(Republic Commando, KOTOR, anything with Kyle Katarn), I'm seriously sad that I'm going to miss out on this.


Maybe one day when I have a bunch of disposable income, but I hate the fact I'm missing the first few years of this thing.


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Considering that it didn't take long for Star Trek Online and DC Universe online to go to free to play models, I'm sure The Old Republic will eventually have a F2P option at some point.

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Most mmos are going partially f2p, though you aren't getting the full experience out of it such as you would with the p2p version.

True. Just about every f2p MMO is limited in some way, which you can improve by paying for it.

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