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Triple Entry? This Is Madness!

The Dark Chronicler


After seeing the title, I'm sure I know what you're thinking. Please do not try to kick me down any holes in the ground.


So Today, I have three things to discuss in a single entry, Unity, my comedies and the BZPRPG. I'll start with the RPG. If you don't care about what I have to say about the RPG, then just skip down until you see 'Unity' written in bold letters. If you don't care about that either, just scroll down to the bold 'My Comedies'. If not wanting to read that, then keep scrolling down and read the comments. If you don't want to do that... then what are you doing in this blog entry? XD



BZPRPG: Murder, he wrote.


I'm plotting a rather explosive plan, and have been since the RPG went down. It has taken me a while to alter to fit the Re-reboot (Or RebornRPG, as you may call it, or the RPG Game thingy). But now I am back on track with it.


I've been plotting a murder mystery unlike anything The RPG (Within my time playing) has ever seen. But there was the problem of killing a number of NPCs likely not going over very well with the staff, I suspect it would not be very easy to get approved. But then a thought hit me. Quite a few people have characters that they aren't very fond of, and would not really care if they died. This gave me an Idea, not to even go after NPCs, but unwanted PCs, with permission of course. I guess I should explain my idea in more detail.


My Detective, Thedar Chronn, will end up uncovering a strange series of Murders, all of which seem to be connected. At the scene of each one will be a single tablet, with three Matoran letters written on it, :n: :e: :x: . NEX, which is actually Latin for death. The murders will show up in multiple areas of the island, and will hopefully attract the attention of interested RPGers.


While Chronn will be important, he will not do anything major in the plot, that will be left to the other RPGers. Chronn will work as a source of advice and information to anyone trying to unravel the mysterious murderers who call themselves NEX.


Right now, I am looking for people with characters that can die, or people who want to create a murderer to unleash under NEX, and it's mysterious and shadowy leader. Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, and Assassins are all welcome!




Unity: The Preparations are not yet complete...


Most of you reading this have seen, or are part of Unity, the ultimate story plan that has come from my mind. Which really isn't saying much, seeing as the plot will be decided as the story is written.


Most of the important details my mind has thought up have been taken care of. But that doesn't mean that everything has been decided and finished. I wanted to get all of your opinions and ideas. Any questions that you can think of that still need to be answered? And Ideas you want other members of Unity to see? If you post them here, I will compile them all into another Entry into my blog, so people can vote of the questions, and read the ideas that are given.


And if you are having trouble with creating a character for this, why not speak to another member of the writing team, they can be great help.




Comedies: Yes, I still write these.


As you have likely seen, I haven't had enough time to keep up with all of my comedies, let alone write new ones, of even start up the one about M.A.K.U.T.A.


But don't worry, I hope to get some extra time soon, and plan on getting out a new chapter of The Sniper 2, and a new part in Clueless. I can't tell you when they will be finished, but I can say that If all goes well, it will be rather soon.


In The Sniper 2: Expect the story to begin wrapping up. Evil will be faced, heroes will become united, and the the true villain behind the entire story-line so far will be revealed. Vyruss will make his most unexpected attack yet, and for reasons no one will expect.


In Clueless: The murder mystery will begin, as the newly appointed detectives are challenged with a series of puzzles and mystery as the attempt to unravel my untimely demise. And keep a close eye out while reading, clues will not always be obvious...


Recommended Comments

First RPG: I may create a murderer I've been wanting to create a psychopath for a while


Unity: Question: Are we going to decide what happened to Vezon? After all he is dimension hopping as well.



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RPG: I might get Venen involved in this, even if only a little. I've had trouble getting him started...


Unity: Most of my questions are answered, mainly due to the large amount of PMing you and I have done about it. XD


Comedies: Can't wait to get my Sherlock Holmes outfit on! Good thing I have all the Sherlock Homes books, too... although I've never be able to copy his methods. I'm much more like Watson. XD

Well, you need to get started on M.A.K.U.T.A. Now. :P



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About the murdering: Yes, Knife and Edge. Theirs will be the messiest, with plenty of mutilation and damage from bladed weapons...That is, if there are any messy murders. If no, then they won't take part in it.


-The Fearless Leader

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RPG: Good, I could use more killers... and victims...


Unity: Sure, I can add that in the next Unity Entry.




Everyone likes Vezon, don;t they? XD




That would be helpful too.




RPG: If you wanted, I could have him sent an invitation to join...


Unity: Then you could always... think up more! Or not. XD


Comedies: Oh don't worry, you will likely be nothing like Holmes... or Watson.


Title: ... I meant to do that.




Messy deaths? I have no problem with that at all, You would all be free to kill however you wish to, only catch is that they all leave a tablet with NEX carved in it at each murder.

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RPG: Yeah, maybe Chronn would like some of the pain-causing poison for interrogation. :P


Comedies: Oh, I didn't mean character-wise. I meant finding-the-murderer-OOC-wise, and my own mental capabilities. XD

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Ooh, that would work, too. After all, Venen needs some money in order to start a business.. and he's well suited to be an assassin, anyway.


Oh, I know. It shall be fun! Until I die. XD

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Getting payed for it? Who ever mentioned getting payed? There will be rewards for those who work for NEX, but I never mentioned payment... Perhaps the reward will be a secure Location they are all free to visit and stay at as long as they need to, or maybe purging someone's record for them... And Money might be an option too.


Indeed, until you DIE. :P

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