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The Best Day Of My Life

Taka Nuvia


The title is meant to be sarcastic, okay?


Today was horrible. Horrible horrible horrible. I hate days like this. :angry:

First, I managed to hurt my upper back/shoulder area (don't even ask how, it's rather embarassing); you'll get a graph of what part exactly hurts tomorrow, I just don't feel like scanning it today.

Anyway, the result of this 'injury' was that I missed out on some sleep, so I've been kind of an emotional wreck today, getting upset over anything and the like.

Then nobody really had time for me. I know, super important, but if I'm feeling all horribnle and down already, it's hard to be alone, really.

And then, last but not least, I managed to lose something I really need a lot.


So, talking about a perfectly awesome day, huh?


*sigh* But when I came home, everything got a little better, so don't worry. ._.


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Yeah, that's... well, horrible. When things pile up, especially.


I hope things improve, and that at least your shoulder gets better quickly.






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