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Schizophrenics Unite!



I have no idea if I spelled that correctly.


I just gotta make note of one of the oddest occurences that I've seen at least more than once here on BZP.


Say, a member called "BZP Person1" starts an art topic.


First post:

BZP Person1

Hey, this is my drawing.



Second post:

BZP Person1

Wow, awesome drawing man!




Is this siblings sharing the same account or does this person honestly think he or she can fool someone into thinking the first person to post in their topic really likes what they did? Do they think it's not going to seem weird at all that they replied to their own topic? Saw it in a blog, too. It's very strange.


I mean, do certain members on BZP have split personalities? "Okay John1, post your topic, but then it's my turn to reply to it." "That's unfair, John2! I called posting first!" "Shut up, John3."


It's a craaaaazy world.


I agree with you! Amazing blog entry!


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There are many shared accounts on bzp between sibblings,sometimes friends due to lack of internet ,and then people with very similair names,sometimes just differing in use of capitals or not.And then there's the people you just reffered,trying to bump there topic,boosting there postcount...


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Poster1:"Aw nuts, we spammed in our topic again... Admit it, Steve, I KNOW YOU DID IT!" Poster2:"Um, you're the only person who spammed... Who's Steve?"
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Agh,exo stop spamming!!! *throws big fat miobech*

I did not make that insult.

Who said that? :P


Must be fun,having a split personality.You'l allways have someone to blame when you do something wrong.(i mean when exo's not around)

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Yes, seems like some have split personalities. Hopefully this isn't my case.




Naw Shaks awsom


ItS nOt My FaUlT, BlAmE ShAkAr 2 AnD 3 FoR tHiS

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