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The Rise Of Nex, The Death Of Many...

The Dark Chronicler


I have spent some time thinking about my idea for an organization of death and murder. And I have been really thinking about when I should start up the murders that will spread their reach across the island. And my ideas have all pointed to next weekend, the third and fourth of December.


And for anyone who wishes to join into this violent and death-bringing plot, this is the time to create a character and prepare for the worst.


If you already have a character you wish to join, just say so, and they will get a personal invitation by the leader of NEX himself.


Those who join NEX must be killers of some sort, Mass Murderers, Assassins, Serial Killers. They can use arson, knives, swords, baseball bats, live lobsters, pretzels, anything they wish to use, any way they wish to use it. The only requirement for those who join is that they leave behind a Tablet, with NEX written upon it.


Those who join will have access to a hidden location that is the headquarters of NEX, where they can rest in safety, without the threat of any enemies finding them in their sleep. They will be supplied weaponry should they need it, and weapon and armor repair when required.




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I already talked about Knife and Edge. Their profiles are in my RBZP Profile Topic post when you need them.


-The Fearless Leader

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Well, you could... probably... hmm. A rogue agent? Not sure why anyone would go rogue, but... maybe you could have him show up on the island somewhere, possibly scared of what may happen if he speaks to anyone about what NEX has planned.




I know, Nex will come to them with an invitation when the plot begins...




It's a plot I'm setting up in the BZPRPG, killers loosely under the command of a mastermind.

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No he wouldn't be scared, he went rogue because he is an insane, psychotic gentleman. Yes Gentleman, he is only insane when killing. Ooh could I have him kill useless NEX agents

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I would be scared if I were going up against NEX, a group made up of killers. It's not exactly good for your health. And I don't think there will be any useless NEX agents to kill. There aren't going to be any NPC agents. only actual characters ran by RPGers.

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