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Class Ring Arrived!



Just yesterday I was telling a friend that my college class ring should arrive pretty soon, so I should try to get as much mileage out of my high school ring as I can (because you don't wear it after except when going to class reunions).


So guess what arrived today!




It's pretty neat (and pretty). Best of all it fits snugly on my finger (which is good because I didn't wear my high school ring around too much because it was just a tad loose--it can fit on my middle finger*).


Silver and blue are the school colors. 1960, the year in the middle, is the year the school was founded. English is my major department, Journalism is my major/concentration, and CCM is the organization I am most active in: Catholic Campus Ministry. (Fun fact: I'm also a Philosophy/Religious Studies minor just for kicks.)


-CF :kakama:

*So I could wear that one on my left hand, middle finger, have two rings and be full of bling. jk


Recommended Comments

I never saw the appeal of class rings. In high school, I swear they were just a way to suck out any potential money you might have. But I'm also not a big fan of rings in general; closest thing like that I would wear is a wrist watch. Although I suppose they probably make class watches too. :P


Anyway, looks cool.



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(please wear all of your rings and be a bling reporter gangster)





this is the best of all imaginable ideas

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