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I am nearly finished writing my NaNo novel, Terra Apocalypse. I estimate I will finish it in a few days, maybe even tomorrow depending on how the story goes.


So I've gotten back to thinking about my fanfics again, and what I will be doing:


-First, as I said before, I will be writing the sequel to TLReloaded, which is currently titled BIONICLE: The Legend Exploded. After that, I will continue writing The Ghost King of World's End, that mini-epic I mentioned earlier.


The Ghost King will take place in the Shikaverse, after Dimension Hopper and the Shika Trilogy. It will star several characters from both DiH and the Shika Trilogy, but it will also feature several new ones. And at least one character from the official BIONICLE canon will be playing a large role, although you won't know who it is until the end of the story.


-When I finish the current draft of The Ghost King, I will probably go back to Terra Apocalypse. This is beause I really like the story and want to actually complete an original fiction novel for once. This means putting my fanfics aside for a while, but I think it will be worth it. Also, my brothers have expressed an interest in the story, which gives me another incentive to complete it.


-Sometime during all of this I will write and finish the Glatorian Chronicles. I actually have written rough drafts of the last four GC, but they will still need some work before I'll post them. I can confirm that GC#12 - which will star Mata Nui - is going to tie into Dawn of the New Century, because it will be the last GC before Dawn. GC#11 - which stars Stronius - will also tie into Dawn, but it won't be clear how until I post the epic.


-And then there's Dawn of the New Century itself. Because this is going to be my culminative BIONICLE fanfic, I've been thinking long and hard about it. I've made a list of plot points from DiH, the Shika Trilogy, and the GC to wrap up, as well as a nearly complete timeline of the Shikaverse to aid me in remembering when important events happened. Here are a few things to expect:


-The main protagonists will not be Toa, although Toa will be important to the story

-The epic takes place on the reformed Spherus Magna, many years after Teridax's death

-Jetrupi, the mysterious traveler who appeared in GC#8, will play a major role in the story


I wrote the first draft of Dawn earlier this year, which has given me an idea of the direction the story will go. Everything is sitll subject to change, of course, but even having a rough idea should help me. I really want to make this fic the absolute best that I can, although whether it will be is another question entirely.


-I also want to write the final comedy in the Reloaded Trilogy, which is currently titled BIONICLE: The Legend Imploded. I want it to run concurrently with Dawn of the New Century. Having both the final comedy and final epic running together at the same time would really give a sense of finality to my BZP writing career, I think.


Does that mean I will no longer write epics or comedies or short stories after I post Dawn of the New Century, The Legend Imploded, and Glatorian Chronicles #12? I doubt it. While I have no plans for any epics or comedies post-Dawn, it doesn't mean I'll never write anything again. It may mean I'll be less active, but I will probably never truly stop writing fanfics (although not necessarily BIONICLE fanfics). Who knows, I might even start posting some of my original stuff on here when I no longer have any fanfics to worry about. We'll see.


That's all for now. All of this is subject to change at any time; therefore, do not be surprised if I post something sooner (or later) than I said I would. This is just to give y'all an idea of what to expect in the coming year.


See ya,




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Wow you got a lot on your plate and I eagerly await it all. Dawn of a New Century is especially intriguing but what do you mean by "culminative" fanfic?

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Wow you got a lot on your plate and I eagerly await it all. Dawn of a New Century is especially intriguing but what do you mean by "culminative" fanfic?


In essence, Dawn will be the story I have been unconsciously building up to all of these years. It will be the "end" of my BIONICLE universe, in the sense that the most major and minor plot points are resolved. After Dawn, there will be little room for future fanfics in the Shikaverse, I think. At least, there will be little room for major fanfics that affect the entire universe.


But like I said, that doesn't mean I will stop writing fanfics entirely. I ultimately want to move on to original fiction writing, but I will probably write some more fanfics. Just not as many and maybe some non-BIONICLE ones, too.


Also, it is Dawn of the New Century, not Dawn of a New Century. Just wanted to let you know.



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