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My Birthday





So yeah, do distract slightly from the raging war that has overrun recent blog entries, I shall inform you all of the awesome day that was had by myself.


I got to sleep in which is always a plus, then I went to school to continue my BLENDER TAHU (which has now been roughly six hours in the making), then I ate lunch with friends and came back home. I chilled with one of said friends for a few hours, playing xbox, PS2, watching movie trailers, etc. I then had a fantastic birthday dinner (grilled cheese with bacon and caesar salad), followed by gifts:



Paul Of Dune by Brian herbert and Kevin J. Anderson

Rocka 3.0

Time Machine - Rush

Holding On To Ties Better Left To Fray - Seether

2 tickets to Megadeth/Volbeat/Motörhead/Lacuna Coil in February (\m/)


So yeah, pretty amazing. I'll have to read the beginnings of the Dune series now, but I've heard it's amazing, so yeah. Rocka's helmet truly is as horrible as I'd thought it would be, but GOLD so who cares. :P The Rush album is superb (it's a live one), and the Seether one I'v not yet heard. Not rally a fan of Seether, but let's see how that goes. also










seriously I am super stoked. Get to bring a friend, too :biggrin:


Anyway that was followed with waaaaay too much cake, and now I'm just chillin'.


Peace out all you awesome people.




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They're a really good danish metal band who mix a ton of styles, ranging from thrash metal to country to 50s rock and roll. :P


EDIT: you totally slipped that comment in there quick, Valenti =P But yes, I love Rush too. Going to my local CD store this week to buy 'Test For Echo" with aforementioned $25.

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Whoooooa sorry there lol. I see twilight I automatically think Valenti. :P


The only one they have is Test For Echo, it's a second hand store. I have all the rush albums on my computer though, will give Snakes and Arrows a more thorough listen.

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You and Valenti have the same av now. :P

Working them Angels is such a good track.

Although I do love Time and Motion from Test for Echo, any song that can switch from 5/4 to 11/4 and then to 6/8 in the intro is awesome. :P

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Haha yes we do, I forgot about that.

I've heard every track from both albums, but I barely remember anything. I was still hooked on 2112 at the time (still one of my favourite albums). And yeah, I think I'll probably like that one too. I love awesome time changes.

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I wish the stores around here would stock up on at least a handful of decent bands... the only chance I really get to buy CDs is when there's new release or when I get lucky at the second hand store. :P amazon's okay, but it's just not the same as buying a favourite album in-store.


Also when I was in my 2112 hook phase I must've listened to only that album for at least a month. XD

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Moving Pictures seems to be more critically acclaimed from what I've seen, but while it was amazing, i didn't find it anywhere near as close to perfect as 2112 was. I can't usually listen to albums that long :P

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