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Spring Is Coming

ToM Dracone


At last! Most of the remaining snow melted today, it's 60º as I type this, I can see the ground again, and thanks to the early Daylight Savings Time it's still light outside as I type this, meaning that I can once again do homework by daylight. (I never do homework in the afternoons.) I find it appealing that the first thing I did was Latin, translating the part of Ovid's Pyramus and Thisbe where Pyramus declares that he wants to be savagely eaten by lions. :happydance:


I took a walk a little earlier, just around the house, and it felt wonderful to be able to do that again. There was a light breeze, so it was very refreshing. The ground is still rather squishy, being saturated with the melted snow, there are birds chirping all over the place, and the few bulbs that sprouted really early seem to have survived the snow.


The first day of spring may not be until next week (two days before my birthday!), but as far as I'm concerned it started today. Woohoo!

~ ToM


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+8 degrees Celcius for four days, and the only snow left is what's too securely scrunched into the snowpiles. ^_^ The sunshine is strong enough to make the outdoor thermometer make handstands, and the asphalt is almost entirely dried up. All that's left is for the ground to thaw completely.


Spring is awesome.



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It is indeed, and it is lovely. I am enjoying 60+ degrees F as well.

However, the barometer is totally crashing, so that may end soon. :rolleyes:

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WOO! Gettin' warmer and nicer here, too! HOORAH FOR SPRING!


Ah, I love Spring. It puts me in such a good mood. :D

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