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Good News Everyone!





The insurance company will be replacing almost everything (including money for the freezer meat), so that's good. We're gonna be getting a replacement xbox 360 from futureshop (the same limited edition reach one (which also means two extra controllers + a copy of halo reach)) on Friday and we are also getting $60.00 for each game to spend only on games at futureshop (even games that were worth nowhere near that much like Battlefront 2). This is actually kind of good since we never play about half of our games and we'll have plenty of money to buy new ones. Again, the sad part is that all my saved game info will be lost, but again, for the one I care most about (Mass effect), it means that I'll be able to undue all the mistakes I made. (DIE ASHLEY! DIE, DIE, DIE!)


Also, our neighbors were just robbed today. Windows were actually broken, so we're going to keep our alarm on almost all the time (the reason my mom never turned it on is because she thought we were fine going out for just a bit) . This means that the robber is still active and this gives the cops a better chance of finding him. And someone on a bicycle with a very large wagon trailing behind was spotted recently, so that's good.


All in all, things are looking up.




Recommended Comments

hmm, maybe the robbers are robbing each house one by one each day. Go two doors down and warn the residents there, and maybe the thieves can be caught. Tell the police the same thing, and maybe they can bust the thieves.

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