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Strive To Be Like Me :)



Yeah, well, it just occurred to me that in real life I speak much the way I write on BZP. In other words, "schmargle" and "splee" are common in my day-to-day vocabulary.


So, to help you all emulate me, I've compiled a list of Dokisms for you to use.


Whenever something is cool and/or awesome, use the word "rocksome."


When in an awkward silence, whisper in the other person's ear, "Schmibbletts."


When describing something weird, always end your sentance with, "Like a gurgling Polandian."


When doing something that requires a forceful release of sound and/or breath (i.e.: lifting something heavy), be sure to shout, "SCHPARGLE!"


When being random, never stick to the typical stuff like, "Smell my foot." Rather, don't be afraid to go against the flow by saying something like, "Smell my hair."


When using the word "lol" in regular speech, never be afraid to use it before an unusual word. For example, if someone's feet smell, instead of saying, "lol you smell," say something like, "lol athlete's foot."


And that's why the ladies are like all over me.


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And that's why the ladies are like all over me.

Are you sure that it's not because you keep climbing underneath them Dok?


I'm gonna try rocksome.


"Ahh, half the school have contracted a fatal virus that could turn them into pocket rhinos!"



Or maybe not.

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A toilet and a muffin were talking when the muffin fell into the toilet.


The toilet said,"Why did you fall into me?"


"Well"Said the muffin,"I am a ladie brand muffin,and your dokuma!"


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Please. Randomness is an art. It cannot follow rules or even guidelines. You must let it flow through your inner being. Let your soul guide you to the path of true random speech. When the enlightenment comes, you WILL know.

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Randomness should be a subject in school!

I will now try to say something random, but I can never be as gud a5 u.


Fat Bunnies Gaze Merrily At Meatloaf Like A Giggling Polandian


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I hate to succumb to my inner newb, but, "OMG OMI POSTED IN MY BLOG!" is about the only thing on my mind right now. :P
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Please. Randomness is an art. It cannot follow rules or even guidelines. You must let it flow through your inner being. Let your soul guide you to the path of true random speech. When the enlightenment comes, you WILL know.

So true, Lyg... so true...


Sporky, I think you're near the top of the list of BZP's random people. So random, so funny, so... sporkish?




*Is not all over you.*




AHHH! The bread-flavored muffins just psychicly telegraphed the renagade bananas! :OMG: Run for cover!




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And that's why the ladies are like all over me.
With raid, probably.

I got better things to do than be like you. ;)



For example, be like Omicron. Yeah! He's cool. You should be more like him, Omi.


~ :kakamanu: ~



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And that's why the ladies are like all over me.
With raid, probably.

I got better things to do than be like you. ;)



For example, be like Omicron. Yeah! He's cool. You should be more like him, Omi.


~ :kakamanu: ~


IPB Image


I already got that down! :P

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And that's why the ladies are like all over me.

I get it now. It's not that they all like you. It's that they used to like you, but then they heard to speak, and now they're all over you. :P

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Right, Nukora. Their over this guy.


Yawn...getting tired. I think it's time to turn this blog to mine. Ya know, takeovers and whatnot.

Yeah, today we had a Japan test. It was pretty easy but took a long time to write. Then in writing we got to write ads for some newspaper we were writing. In one of mine, I lost my chicken; Mike. He had no head. Anyways, when I got home I got on AIM a bit and BZP. All in all, same ol'. Oh, and I just found out how to make the BZP skins to Vahkipower. Its cool.

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