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Stupid Day ><

Taka Nuvia


Guys, it's really simple: hit me, and I'll hit you back.


No, not you guys. You're fine ;)



I was on the bus, on my way home from school, not feeling particularly happy or anything. In fact, it had been an awful day. (more about that later) I was in a kind of aggressive state of mind.

Anyways, the bus was really full.


At a certain bus stop, many people got on the bus, including some boys (2 of them) which apparently started talking stuff about me. How could I tell, you might ask, if I've been wearing earphones? Well there was also a girl on the bus whom I know, and she 'said' (more with some kind of sign language, for it was loud and I couldn't hear her) that I should hit them. Still feeling somewhat pacifist, I shook my head. I mean, people talking nonsense and behaving in a silly way is something I can ignore. Especially when I've got my mp3-player.


A few bus stops later, when they finally were about to get off the bus, one of them (lightly) slapped the back of my head. I went furious, turned around quickly and shoved him, yelling "F*** off!"*. Apparently he hadn't seen it coming, for when they were away, I heard him (shouting, kind of) "She gave me fist! O.o" Yes, no grammar. No, it didn't make sense. Yes, I was super angry. :angry: (and I was not ladylike. I apologise for that :( )

[/end of story]



If you think you can go through another handful of paragraphs, here's the reason why today sucked:


1) the weather. Cold, rainy, and some paths were full of ice. Ewwww


2) I didn't get enough sleep (yaaaaay... ><)


3) The biology test

Now here's the real problem. I really studied hard for the test, as hard as I could. I mean, with a new teacher you never know. And I really didn't see that kind of test coming. It was different than anything I've ever done before, than any test I've ever taken. So while I did prepare, I prepared the wrongest way possible. I suppose I'll be okay, but still... it's like, super annoying. And it gets me down.


... that's about it. Thanks for your attention.


*Edit: I did not translate it word by word, actually. No, I did not use the F-word, but I couldn't find the right word that equals what I said. Sorry 'bout the confusion, but I was still very, very angry when I wrote the blog entry... <_<


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Although you probably could have used some different words, you got the point across that they should leave you alone. Good for you, they deserved what they got. ;D

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@BR: haha, thanks.

@Waffles: no, haha... maybe..

@Peach 00: In fct, I did use different words, but they are kinda hard to translate... ._.

@U_K: Nope, not really. I clarified that in my Edit of the blog entry ;) but yeah..

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