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It's Finally Here

Let's Henshin!


Here's the draft of the post, note I've included everything including my char's thoughts.


IC: Vernadon


Vernadon stepped lightly on the snow, he was here, the place his father had once cherished. And it's a place of painful memories. For once I agree with you.


The place itself didn't look all that remarkable, just a few huts clustered around a courtyard. Not to mention, the hut had not aged well, but it wasn't what the place was that was so important, rather it was would it could be. What father envisioned. Vernadon knew that he could take up the his father's quest. To educate the Matoran, and to create a place where thinkers of all sort could come together in harmony. Nova needs training I can only provide him so much, but there are others out there who are willing to teach. Not just Nova but others as well.


At that moment a Matoran came running out of the hut, he was older fellow. He wore a Huna and dark orange armor. His name was Movik and at one point he had taken care of Vernadon.


"Vernadon!" the Matoran called out, "Have you come back to finish your father's work?"


"Yes I have." Vernadon replied cooly.


"Why now, after all these years?"


"Because, I was never fit to teach, nor did I have a reason to. But chance has given me a reason, to teach Nova. However I can not do it alone. To achieve what father truly intended, we need other teachers. I wish to make this a place of sanctuary and knowledge. A place neither Makuta's reach extends to or the Turaga's. Rather this will be a place where rationale beings can come to their own conclusions, and pass that knowledge on to others. For years Matoran have lived in the dark shadow of ignorance. Let this become a place where we can enlighten them. A bright candle, in the middle of night. A night filled with ignorance." Vernadon finished


"Your father would be proud," was Movik could say.


"Can you gather some teachers, while I work on fixing up these huts?" Vernadon asked.


"Of course," Movik replied. "And in fact, there are other Matoran who believed in your fathers dream. Many live nearby, I could send them out to recruit others."


"Thank you," Vernadon said to Movik as he was leaving. "Oh and Movik, make sure you tell the teachers that there is no money to be made from this venture." Vernadon then turned back to the huts. This place may not be much now, but we can make it so. Why are you helping me? Because even I believe that knowledge should be spread.. "Nova, let's get building."


So yeah, I didn't delve much into what the huts looked like seeing as we should decide that as we build it. What we do need is a consensus on the scenery.


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I'll go with whatever scenery you guys think up. But anyway, seeing that Rannin's going to be the caretaker/janitor/odd-jobs-guy, does he get paid? He's not a teacher.

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scenery wise, I don't really care too much, as long as there is a good place to set up obstacle courses for Bruntoa's rigorous training exercises

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Hmm, so I take it any members of CRANE can make a teacher character? I think I'll get a guy to be an archery instructor then.


Ugh, dude. Go back to the entry with a list of all the members and talk about THAT there. This is for critique of the start...And do realize that if you do, you better do it quick. This school will be starting very soon.


Anyways, I'm chill with it. On scenery: I like what EW said. But I'd also like there to be a lake nearby, if that's k...Perhaps fed by the melting glacial waters of deeper Ko-Wahi?


-The Fearless Leader

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Maybe the snow should be lighter around CRANE's school, like a perpetual spring thaw frozen mid-cycle. Mount Ihu looming over the academy would provide more interesting scenery, and a lake nearby, like Mango said above me, would be a welcome addition. Otherwise, I like the post.

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Post looks good but I'd like it if the scenery was like what Legolover mentioned. Gives it a nicer atmosphere, giving the environment around the school some depth and character.

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How about this, each of you with an idea for scenery arrive from a different direction and describe the scenery of that section. Just remember where in Ko-Wahi for the most part. So even though we are located at the border of Ta and Ga, Lava is not flowing everywhere and stuff like that. Although I don't there should be a problem since the majority of you are experienced RPers

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