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Bah, Humbug

a goose


JK, everyone, JK. I don't really think that; Nor am I under the impression that every cool dude with the words 'Merry Christmas' on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding;

I just got Jaller!

TBH, his mask is wider than I'd expected...

I also got Super Mario 3D Land, 'Happy Christmas Mr. Bean', a new phone, and enough chocolate to make most normal people ill just looking at it. And dominoes.

All in all, this Christmas is shaping up to be pretty good.


- PtVM


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'Happy Christmas Mr. Bean'

Now you can have fun with a turkey on your head, too! =D


Tell me how 3D Land is, I'm considering it, but think I might wanna finish NSMB DS first. =P

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Trust me; You'll never completely finish NSMB. Ever. That last touch-screen background will haunt you for all eternity.

On a lighter note, Super Mario 3D Land is very fun, if a little short (in terms of world sizes).

My favourite part of Mr. Bean is either the crib, the turkey, or the explosion.

"Merry Christmas Mr. Bean." *BANG*


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Oh, I believe that. I've had it for like two or three years now, and I still haven't even beaten it yet. xD


And I'm going with the turkey, if only because that's one of the only scenes I've watched of that. =P

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No, I saw it standalone. =P I really should try and watch the whole thing, though, if I can. xD Might have seen the explosion, but I'm not sure. Can't recall if that's the part I saw or not. But I've definitely seen the turkey. xD

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The turkey is unforgettable. (The explosion is at the very end, when Mr. Bean puts together two wires to light his Christmas tree lights, with the words "Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean". I bet you can guess what happens when the two wires touch)

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Yeah. The real question isn't if the girlfriend was still there, but how the heck Mr. Bean managed to actually get a girlfriend. :P

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