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Random Bzqer Of The Week #272: Alqhabetised!



Wait, an entry has been posted? But I'm not currently here, let alone near a computer! That's because (here comes the twist) this entry...is from the past, sent forward into the future by roughly 1 day and 23 hours. Technology is amazing.




QSKSw has 878 posts (4 Star Rating, 1225 Profile Views) and joined BZPower 11-March 06. She is currently most active in BIONICLE Sets & Collectibles, but used to be most active in Completely Off Topic. She has an avatar of a Matoran-like drawing, has LEGO.com, MSN, Yahoo and Skype accounts, and claims to live in the Nether. Nope.


She last visited on the 14th of December 2011, and her birthday is the 19th of June 1992. Cool.


Here's a quarantined banner.




BZP Member List Trivia: There are (at the time of writing) 36 members starting with Q that have more than 10 posts. Of those, only TWO!!! have posted since BZPower has returned from the upgrade. Another 87 have less than 10 posts. That is a total increase of 3 members since the 28th of May 2010, and 14 members since the 1st of August 2008. That's right, this week was a choice from out of TWO!!! Rather than using my usual random interger generator on random.org, I just flipped a coin, for real. Sucks to be the other guy. Oh well, that's just how the year ends, you win some, you lose some. I shouldn't be typing in this section for so long but who cares this won't be read till the FUTURE anyway. So guys, remember how awesome the 28th of December was? I certainly do, because it's right now. But it's not for you, is it, oh no. You have the dark and uncertain future to deal with. How does THAT feel? The past is so much better man, and the worst part is, you know it's true. But you can't go back to the past, only move ever onwards into the future, on and on. The past is dead, and I'm just a reminder or how great two days ago really was. So try to enjoy the future as much as you can, if possible. I'll join you later, in the new year.




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Ah, that's why this post appeared recent updates but not on the main list. You are a sneaky time traveler, you are. ;)



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