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The Group Of No-Do-Gooders!



Well this is just a start, where we'll discuss the following: a group of people just wandering around the island who are up to no good, doing thievery, bounty hunting, treasure hunting, etc. Thing is, they're not evil, they're just people who want to have fun.


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Yeah, I noticed :P While I was reading this, I thought "This is exactly how I write...*checks*, yep, plagiarism."


Shame on you, Trakuda, shame! Just kidding, I don't mind. :P


Now we're just waiting for Mef.

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Okay, profile created.

Name: Savulg

Race: Vortixx

Element: Crystal

Gender: Male

Mask: (none)


The Vortixx in a camouflage type armor that blends in to the sand in the desert. He would rather blend in than be spotted; especially when with his group on their little "missions." He's not that attractive, but has a "cute" aspect to him.


The Vortixx likes to think of him and his friends to be extremely bad and evil; even worse than Makuta, but on the inside he's soft and scared of his own shadow. He tries not to show this, though, but with his friends he softens up alot.


Two Zamor sphere rilfes (both strapped side by side at his back) and small switchblade.

Fighting Style:

The Vortixx has hardly fought before, so his fighting style comprises mainly of random shots fired from his rifles and a few quick stabs form his knife. The being's weakness is because he can barely fight, but he can run fast.


Savulg (17) arrived on the island a few years back and met the friends that he "runs with" now. He immediatly hit it off with them and has been joining them on their escapades. He doesn't remember where he came from or how he got here, but he does know that he's in a great place with friends.

He believes that Mata-Nui will rise some day, but doesn't fully serve the being; proving this by robbing (or trying to) different beings.




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I believe everything is set up. Any objections to me starting the first post in Po-Wahi anytime soon? Everyone ready? Anyone have any friends they want to ask if they want to join this group before we start?

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My idea for our little home:


Something like a few scraggly looking huts near one of those tendrils of water on the map of Mata-Nui, not too far from Po-Koro but at a safe distance. The water would prevent us from dehydrating. Or we could have one pretty big hut where we all sleep in and keep our possessions.


'Tis just an idea.

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I think 4 huts for each of us would be good while there would be 2 others. One for the general area where we eat and kind of hang out and the other could be a storage room.


The huts could be built out of sand that my character Walker built by shaping the sand into hut-like shape, pressurizing the sand altogether and connecting all of the sand particles together with crystal so it doesn't fall apart. It's like sand is what's shaping the structure and the crystal woven in between and connecting all of them is the glue. Complex but useful if we ever need to build another hut although, it would take a lot of time for Walker to build these and it would drain him.


It'll definitely be beside a river (or we could die of dehydration like Garme mentionned :P)

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I think it's settled then. On a side note, I envision the following in the near future for the Sand Runners:


Road trip!

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Yes, maybe to Ta? That'd be the big cheese because of the large Ta-Koro guard...


And, like the idea for our "homes sweet homes."



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Well, I was thinking we'd travel around all of Mata-Nui, take in the sights, fool around and have fun. We'll probably run into many people so we'll probably have a wide-array of fights with different people, probably toughen up the Runners. The hardships they may face might add to plot.


So if we do that, we'd be going in order of what's closest meaning:


1) Onu-Wahi 2) Ko-Wahi 3) Le-Wahi 4) Ta-Wahi 5) Ga-Wahi

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