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This Is A Long Trip, Eh



I'm in the first part of the third week of my trip to the Northwest. Maddison and I have been in Portland for Christmas, we did Washington the state for Rob and Becca's wedding, we were in Portland again for the New Year, and now we're in Vancouver, Canada.


This is the longest vacation I've ever taken. Maybe I'll make it permanent :P .


But anyway. Right now I'm in Vancouver with Nukaya, McSmeag, LehvakLah, and we've been chilling with Tufi. Tomorrow Makaru stops by! This has been a veritable BZPower meet-and-greet. It has been great.


I really really really like Vancouver. It's been pretty rainy, but that hasn't stopped it from being gorgeous. Today was sunny, and that was amazing. We've had lots of seafood, some great tea, some great pastries, we've seen the Olympic Torch, the building that is Massive Dynamic on Fringe, lots of malls, been to Tim Horton's (spoiler: Starbucks makes better coffee, Tim Horton's makes better donuts), went to sushi houses, taken the amazing public transit, done a set review, etc. Vancouver is a really well thought out city, and I really like the downtown and waterfront areas quite a bit. The faux "island" we visited with the concrete plant (Granville Island) and the art college was amazing, and the whole experience, my first in a different country, has been delightful.


Also, we love love love that the McDonald's arches have little Maple Leaf symbols on them, and that the local Wendy's use that symbol as their apostrophe on the possessive "s". Little touches like that make the whole thing so similar but so culture shockish as well.


Anyway, Jen has been an amazing host, and she's taken us to some places that are just like her, very boss. Meeting her has been a great experience, and I hope we all get to hang out again soon.


I'll leave you guys with this panorama I took of the downtown area from the Granville Public Market yesterday. And yes, it links to a massive photo, just a warning if your internet connection is as useless as this hotel's.




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YOU're across the ROOM right now, also I'm mostly undressed


this has been the best trip and I love YOU and NUKAYA and LEHVAKLAH and TUFI


McSmeag is 100% sober right now, just super tired

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Totes going to come up there and kill you all in your sleep. 40 minutes ain't far. <3


I MEAN the little maple leaves hiding everywhere are so cute and I love spotting them, even if the Canadians give me weird looks.

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