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Unity: Locations



...The capital city, Atero Nui. The city cobbled together from the six villages that once were spread throughout the land. Its residents believe it to be a physical embodiment of the Three Virtues. It is the first city built after Spherus Magna was made whole again, and the city that rose to unite the land, bring peace and instill harmony, and for a time it did. Unfortunately, as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. The massive empire collapsed, and was forced to retreat inwards. No longer would it span a continent, instead new empires arose to challenge it. Factions arose throughout the land. Each led by a powerful City.


To the north is Tobduk-Metru, City of Survivor, the land where many Frostelus, Rahkshi, Bonehunters, Skrall, Vorox and even a few Zyglak ran to. Facing prejudice from the Matoran and Agori, they fled Atero-Nui, hoping to find a more peaceful home. Some Matoran and Agori sympathized with them, and also left with them, but the vast majority saw them as enemies. Enemies to be crushed.


To the south is Vahi-Metru, the City of Time, believed by its inhabitants that it would be the only City that would stand the test of time. Fueled by technology, they stole Mata-Nui’s original body and created new technology based off of it. Marvelous technology that was only possible thanks to the abundance of scientists in this Country. This is the land Vortixx and Skakdi dominate, the land Matoran scientists, and Agori mechanics call home. This is the city that has advanced the most. The City the people of Atero-Nui fear the most.


To the East is Shelek-Rode, The Silent Truth, the land where scholars, teachers and students fled to. This is the land where learning comes before all else, and it is one of only two lands, to be equally populated by all races. This is the place where the truth does not need to be spoken, in order to be heard. For this is the place all know the truth. The silent truth, or as the people of Atero-Nui would have you believe, the land where a persons mind would be warped and twisted beyond recognition.


To the West is Hau-Metru, The Shielded City, the only city to be populated entirely by Spherus-Magna natives. For it is here, that the natives believe that the Matoran and the others are invaders to their land. That Spherus-Magna belongs to those here before, not artificial life like the Matoran, and so this land prepares for war against the other lands. Those are the lands where Spherus-Magna natives and natives of the Matoran-Universe live together, and those lands must be destroyed because they are the blasphemous lands.


Finally even further out West is Pakari-Avsa, Hunger for Strength, this is the land of those that no one else will take. Not even the people of Tobduk-Nui, a land where survival comes first and everything is below it. Here only the strongest survive, and once a year that strength is put to test in brutal arena matches, where the winner is the survivor. The leaders of this land lead by strength and fear. The most influential of the land are the arena survivors. The other nations call them barbarians, piraka, but the people of Parkar-Avsa say that they are the ones that have seen the true way to live. That power can only come from strength and they are the strongest.


Other, smaller, nations exist but none compare to the Six Great Cities.


These are some of the locations Onarax plans to include in his Unity chapter. This entry is devoted to discussion of these locations and any others that we feel should exist.


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I myself think each person should be allowed to make a single great city, that way each person has some control over it.


Plus, I already have a major city-nation planned for later chapters.

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I don't really care much for making cities. And these look okay...But I noticed a few discrepancies with Hau-Metru:


1. Why use a matoran-language name for your city when you hate them? Or is that just the name matoran give it? Cuz I sure feel matoran would be more likely to call that place 'Xenophobia-Slum' if they had the chance.

2. You say that it's a city for xenophobic Spherus Magnans. Yet matoran are of Spherus Magna as well. Do you mean it's a city for Bara/Bota Magnans?

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Kgut. Proceed...


Waitasec. Why is there such a low turnup? I mean, I was pretty sure 2/9 wouldn't be present, and Biobeast is gone-but 3/9 being all there is talking on my blog? This is unprecedented.

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Yeah, no sign of Cadias, or Nitro Frost. Ghosthands said h was too busy at the moment to work on it, and Tyler Durden... I have no idea.


Also, I think listing all of the countries from the beginning might be a bad idea. It limits the creation of ones when they are needed for other people. Plus, I'm still making a major city-nation.

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Heads up, I'm gonna go ahead and send PMs to the other members in case they missed these posts.


Oh and Pein please merge this with the previous post, I didn't edit it just because I needed to make sure you guys saw this.


EDIT: Just so you know I didn't PM GH or Durden since we do not know whether they are involved still or not.

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I've had my chapter done for quite a while now. I've just had nothing to do in the meantime... thanks for the PM, though. I intend to rework my chapter a bit.

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I think so, too. This is getting a bit complicated.


Is it okay if my char makes his first appearance in one of your cities, Onarax? I don't want to make any more locations than there already will be.

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Yeah that's great, I was kinda of hoping for people to utilize these cities, explore the cultures, it's makes the story more, for lack of a better term, unified.

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I already have my own major city-nation-country that I planned on focusing on. And I had it planned to be near the crash site.


I don't want to give away any details yet, but it isn't going to be a safe place for many beings... And have a rather insane ruler.

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Seriously can we start, I'm so bored waiting now. Although I still need to rename Hau-Metru, although I may just make it The Shielded City, and be boring.

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