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Wonderful Blizzard Of Oz



Well, I didn't stay up late last night... Fell asleep before my mom went up... See, I went to a play at my church, which the title hints at... The Wizard of Oz, yes. However it was snowing incredibly, the wind and snow and storm was tremendous. My mom brought two of those snow-scraper things you can brush and scrape the snow and ice off of your car with, so a while after we got to the church, she had to go out and brush the car off (it was already that bad). While we waited for the play to start (it started at eight) I read part of the awesome H. P. Lovecraft story "The Shadow Over Innsmouth". The play began, and the first scene was bad. It was like a hick soap opera. Dorothy got all Emo during then, and the eyeshadow and lipstick didn't lessen the impression much. Then the cyclone scene happened, and she ended up in Oz. Yes. The whole "good witch/bad witch" thing. I pity the people who played the Munchkins. First, that name alone is humiliating. "Oh, yeah, when I was a kid I got a role as dimunitive, squeaky cherubic thing in striped tights that is also a doughnut food-product!" Then the clothes. Very strange. Very very very strange. There was this one kid who was the Munchkin apothecary dressed completely in purple. He even had that purple wide-brimmed pimp hat. All it was missing was the feather, I swear. Where'd the church get that outfit, out of a "My first gangsta rap video" kit? I hope his mom didn't take any photos. Anyways, the play was okay, but it was a bit mediocre (you can only do so much with live performances). However, when we left at the end, the snow was prolific. We had to brush the car off and I was frozen by the time we finished. We drove home, and my mom decided to stay up late for a while (which foiled my plan to stay up myself), and I fell asleep after waiting.


Which brings me to my dreams. I was on some sort of adventure with superheroes while songs by a band called Cat Empire or something like that (I forget, my dad has a CD of theirs though so that's where that part of the dream came from). Then my dad, me, and my sister were driving to this store with a bunch of 5's on its front or something, and we noticed a giant PetSmart that was like this: It had four walls, and a sort of courtyard in them, making it like a picture frame. The levels of the store were open, and there were all these cages and bins of stuff. Suddenly I was there, but it was another building of the Nickelodeon Hotel I'd stayed at in February. It was a giant play building sort of place, with slides and ropes and structures. I just kinda lay there, not doing anything. I looked over the edge of a red slide and then suddenly I was looking at this incredibly different version of BZP. Everybody's avatars were larger, and for some reason I had a Dil Pickles (from the Rugrats show All Grown Up) avvie... I saw some cool Invader Zim avatars though... I had an image appearing under my stats (like my post amount, the mask marking how many years I'd been on BZP) that showed my member number, like it was some sort of commemoratory thing. Nutty. I can't remember much else...


Then I woke up at 10 AM and went down for breakfast, only to be ordered to go shovel the bleeping driveway ten minutes later... It took me around an hour to get it done... The most frequent words on my mind were ones I can't post here.


Then I finally got back, and had my breakfast. I started writing this entry, and nearly lost it when the server went on a binge. And I browsed the interweb. Hurrah. Right now I'm rereading the archives of one of my favorite webcomics.


And played Line Rider. Go out and find it on your interweb access programs now. It's addictive. I've had fun catapulting the little rider guy and his sled off of a sheer incline plenty of times.


I'm listening to "Sweet Dreams", a Marilyn Manson song. Woo.


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