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Video Game Wackheads



Okay, if there's one thing I hate worse than *insert something I hate here*, it's people who blame video games for everything. They accuse video games of making kids stupid, violent, ignorant, smelly, bad at school, rude, ugly, hobos, unaware of the name of Bill Clinton's cousin's neighbor's barber, etcetera. Sad, isn't it? Young people do horrible things and it gets blamed on video games, but where are the parents at, huh? They don't want to take responsibility for parental ineptitude, which also raises the question, "Why don't they just take the games/computer away?" It wouldn't hurt that much, although it wouldn't fix anything either. These kids live under the parents' roof, and depend on them, it's as simple as not buying the games and the consoles. But I guess enabling their behavior and find a scapegoat works. Sad sad sad. You should go look up some of these loonies, you'll have a laugh before you realize they're serious. The attorney Jack Thompson's a shining example of anti-video game neuroticism. Several quotes of his:


"Kids don't have liberties. Do your research"


"Any letter from a video gamer like you would deepen his concern. Are you actually so confused that you think gamers have any influence on anyone. Gamers are considered by normal people to be cretins. Get used to it."


"At least I'm not a a coward like all of you nerds here, who hide behind anonymous avatars. How sad."


"I love the smell of burning gamers in the morning."


"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer."


It's prejudice, plain and simple. Video games are portrayed as "murder simulators" for violent teens, obscenities, yadda yadda yadda. Video gamers get cast as pervs/killers/psychos/morons/pathetic. That's just not fair. Tons of adults and kids play video games, for one thing. There's also the claim that video games make kids stupid. Gee, that's kinda odd considering all the kids who do well in my school (myself included) play video games. This is probably one of my vaguest/oddest rants, but I made my point. It's insane. Very. Very. Very. It's just a matter of not having the right information in some cases, but in others it's bad...


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I just don't like Video Games like 'America's Army' or 'America's Most Wanted'. Sure, normal Games are good slid fun, but that sort of hyper-patriotism seems unhealthy in a kids product...


I also can't stand Grand Theft Auto. I read an article a year ago about a Kid, maybe 16-18, who upon being arrested for speeding, was taken intot he station at which point he shot three officers dead using moves he'd learnt from GTA. When he was sentenced to Execution, he made his final statement in court: 'Life is like a Video Game. Sometimes, you have to die.'.

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I'm American, and I find those games plenty ridiculous too. Perversion of an innocent entertainement medium. Another thing like that would be the religious game Left Behind... Don't get me started on media misinterpretations of role-playing games, online or not, like Dungeons and Dragons...


Yeah, that's fine, everybody's entitled to their opinion. And some people are just violent from the start and they pick up on things that help them in their sick goals... Be careful what you read, too, as the media is biased and the "news" can be poorly reported...


Oh, and on a note unrelated to the subject, I'm confused as to why Scarecrow is wearing what looks like a hillbilly gimp mask in the last two stories of Scarecrow Tales...

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I actually prefer that mask. It's cool to show the two expressions, signified by the two mouths - the Mask's and Crane's. That way, you see both halves of his Psyche. Though the last story is awful (he gets, like, two pages of being in the background), the original cover (in the final pages) is pretty cool. I would have preferred it if Albright had become Mistress Scarecrow, though.


I think the best art in the entire book is the pinup on pg 42. I could make an entire story based on that image...

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Video games get balmed way too much............I honestly think the music industry has a much bigger negative influence...........Its distiurbing to see people idolizing rapists, drug abusers, and, in some cases, murderers.............


I can't stand games like GTA.........Its unsettling to see the concept of what is basically terrorism as entertaining...............

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Yeah... Thompson's a wacko indeed...


I loved some of the pinups in there, Scarecrow looked great...


Yeah, Marilyn Manson and the goth subculture were blamed for school shootings Columbine and other things, but everybody turns a blind eye to rap, even though it's on the "news" every day...

I don't like GTA either, but I'm talking about video games in general getting blamed...

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What is it with these people? Especially when people say video games make you dumb, my cousin in second grade, (Who plays waaaay to many video games) reads at an eighth grade reading level because of video games.
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Studies have shown that while someone wa playing a 1st person shooter game, their brain was scanned with an MRI or an EEG (I cant remember which, it was one of those things that showed which part of the brain is working.) During this scan it showed the parts of the brain showing anger light up and the ones showing symathy and compassion went down. Bewila's story is just disturbing.


However despite all these myths, there is no doubt the media has a massive influence on children, be it positive or negative.

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Studies have shown that while someone wa playing a 1st person shooter game, their brain was scanned with an MRI or an EEG (I cant remember which, it was one of those things that showed which part of the brain is working.) During this scan it showed the parts of the brain showing anger light up and the ones showing symathy and compassion went down. Bewila's story is just disturbing.


However despite all these myths, there is no doubt the media has a massive influence on children, be it positive or negative.

FOR PETESAKE, VIDEO GAMES HAVE LITTLE OR NO ADVERSE EFFECT ON CHILDREN. It depends on environment, upbringing, personal choice, and health. If little Timmy picks up a copy of Super Mario and he smooshes a few Goombas, he's not going to turn into a little Ted Bundy. The media is biased and poorly reports these cases. The Associated Press, Reuters, and other news agencies provide most of the news nowadays and it's circulated everywhere. Reporters do little investigative reporting anymore, leaving the window wide open for a news magazine or a TV station's news cast on an event (based off of the article from where they got the news, of course) for error to occur. Studies are not only reported incorrectly at times, but the studies themselves can be biased. An example would be that Phillip Morris cigarette company's sponsorship of hundreds of thousands of studies over the years to prove "smoking isn't harmful to your health". So stop swallowing this gibberish. Yeah, in some cases kids shouldn't be exposed to violence. But thy have to someday. And the parents can use it as an opportunity to teach their kids that violence is bad and all that '30-second-moral-message-after-half-an-hour-of-a-violent-kid's-show' junk.

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I agree with you to some, but if you strip away movis, video games, television, and media from the situation wouldn't life be a lot different.

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It would. Movies, games, television, the media and other mediums exist for humans to pour their creativity and interest into. Without such outlets for our energy, we would turn on each other. We need interesting information to consume, and a way to produce interesting information to be consumed. You can't take away these things. They are a fundamental part of the human mentality. By taking them away you restrict communication, sharing of ideas, progress, information, and freedom. That is an idiotic move.
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Albert Einstein: "Imagination is more important than intelligence."


Ever since I read that quote, it stuck with me my entire life...............Keep in mind, I'm quite the intellectual......Its just that, without imagination, intellect alon would be uses, as there'd be nothing you could do with it..............

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