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Bziii: Ussalry 7Th Squadron



Salutations! I come to you with decidedly chill tidings.


I got to thinking recently. See, we have PC members/former members of all branches of the island military in this game except for two: The Po-Koro Footmen, and the Onu-Koro Ussalry (correct me if i'm wrong cuz i haven't checked profiles in a while). So I decided to make a PC-exclusive group in one of those two.


Therefore, the experimental Ussalry 7th Squadron has been started with my post for Sulov Koskium, its commander. The exact size of said group will be determined by how many PCs are found to be in it within three five days (read: how many pc profiles for matoran in the squadron that are appropriate considering its entry restrictions are made in that time and are ic'd for meeting up with their commander).


What are the entry restrictions, you ask? I'll keep it simple:


1. Characters in the squadron MUST be matoran who can at the least pull off an exceptional Ussalry impression. Their element doesn't matter as long as they can mimic the strength, night vision, familiarity with tunnels and ussals, etc. of a heavy Ussalry guy.

2. Characters in the squadron MUST wield the saperka, repeating crossbow, stakes, and armor standard for that specific squadron (see koskium for all that), plus ride a ussal. They also must wield a lance-like weapon; this they have some leeway with. They may carry their own weapons if they wish as well.

3. Characters in the squadron MUST have a good amount of training. They can be nuebs to actual combat, but no one gets through the Ussalry without learning how to fight over a few years.


Currently the squadron will have four PC members. I'm hoping to get anywhere between 5-8. Do realize that having a char in the squadron is 'first come, first serve' as well-this group will be fast-moving.


EDIT: Blog entry'd and updated. The wings and shield-disks have been retconned from existence. The protosteel weaponry is approval- pending.


Discuss here. I've edited the quote to reflect changes to the group.








-Ussalry 7th Squadron Members-


Squadron Commander

Sulov Koskium


Deputy Commander

Kol Uskey








Combat Engineer



Weapons Engineer



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Seeing that Uyism doesn't fit any of those categories, could she just be unofficially part of it, just helping them along without doing anything squadron-orientated?

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Sure. She can help with supplies and combat engineering, as I said before. However, Uyism will have to learn ussal-riding to keep up with them; I think one of the squadron could lead hers along with a rope at first. Does that sound good?

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Personally, I think those "requirements" are quite excessive. Some things I don't quite see as necessary in the slightest, such as the, er, wings. I know you're trying to make the squadron unique, but keep in mind... we don't have any competition. We can do anything and be hailed as unique. I don't have a problem with putting something on my character's back, but I'd rather have it be anything rather than "wings."


As for the weapons, all are great, especially the saperka, but it almost seems excessive, especially if we can (and will) use our own weapons, too. Heavily armed? Sure, that's great, but it's almost like you're making them seem like glorified Expendables. Even the A-Team could have made due with less than we are provided required to have.


And finally, a peeve with purpose: No protosteel. It never existed on Mata Nui. It was first created in Artahka, never introduced to the primitive island, and the only thing from there than was ever on Mata Nui was the Toa, and they didn't even know of it. Of all things, that troubles me the most.

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1. Well, that's homage to what they're based off of, uniqueness, and practicality in one package. You have a point, though...I suppose we could always remove that.


2. Hm...I'unno. I was thinking about ditching the shield-but that's used across the island. I felt that I'd be shot down for doing so.


Lul, I'll admit they're heavily armed. But on the other hand...The Polish Husaria, the primary inspiration for these guys, often wielded even more than these (lance saber backsword & longsword were mandatory while pistol & axe/warhammer were often carried). Note that I said 'around'-there aren't exact numbers due to the fact that many of their weapons were interchangable.


I actually have never seen The Expendables. xP But I understand where you're coming from. I probably should've put more time into their backstory; I was going to say that they have these weapons because the advanced and ingenous Onu-Matoran have already made an entire regiment of these guys, but I changed at the last second because I felt that would need staff approval I simply couldn't obtain. Thus the story is a bit flimsy.


3. I didn't know that...I always assumed that even if it wasn't there, toa of Iron or other emigrants would bring their protosteel. If it is totally confirmed that no one on the island has that kind of stuff, then I've to edit a good few of my profiles.

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*snort* I'm beginning to wonder if EW even has any sort of military experience.


From my research, Protosteel is nothing more than refined Protodermis which WAS available on Mata-Nui (Not to be confused with Energized Protoderms which is a separate element altogether) combined with steel. Hence Proto-Steel. Get it? XD


As for unit requirements, I don't see too much of a problem with what you've already got other than the prior history requirement. Not everyone is cut out for service. And not all units are alike. Depending on the unit's purpose and mission they can be as standardized or unique as the unit commander wants. In your case I see a Heavy Cavalry Unit. It would make sense that you be as heavily armed and armored as possible as you will be the front line defenders if used properly. While riding Ussal Crabs would make up for your lost mobility being heavy shock troops, you would more or less be there to be the anvil on which the enemy is smashed against. In that case your use of heavy armor and arms is justified.


Individual unit pride is another factor. With a standard weapons set, everything is interchangeable and you don't have to worry about losing people as other could just as easily pick up a wounded soldiers weapon and wield it with the same amount of skill. A weapon unique to your unit also sets you apart from other units which is what your pride is based upon and does affect soldier morale. Note however you won't be the only unit using those weapons but *shrug* now you just get to brag about how your unit is the best with those weapons.


Now as for the experience part, I'm kind of not for that. From my experiences the High Command is going to send you where they have the most gaps whether you can do the job or not sometimes. The only time experience plays a factor would be selection of a special forces group. I don't want a raw rookie straight from Basic in a special forces unit unless he was really exemplary because I still don't know how he'll react in a combat situation. Unless this is a special forces unit, I'd say you're going to get all kinds of green recruits because you're a regular unit.

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1. Yeah, wondering about refinery too.


2. Yeah. I simply don't feel the shield is needed. If you look at Pewku-an example of an evolved Ussal-you'll note that Takua has enough room to lie down on her comfortably and be pretty darn hard to hit with the stalks and armor before his body. In a charge, that's exactly what the Ussalry members do. They don't need shields because they aren't much of a target and anything fired at them that isn't in an arc won't do much damage to them. An arc is, coincidentially, hard to pull off in an enclosed space (a la onu-wahi tunnelz).


3. Yeah. Those are definitely some benefits.


4. E...Okay. But the wet-behind-the-ears will still have a heck of a lot of training before getting in; if there's anything I plan to keep from Husaria, that's probably it.

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I wholly agree with you about the training. That's something that is done regardless of a fight. Basic will prepare the soldier for the life of soldiering but the units are responsible for keeping the soldier trained to do what the unit needs him/her to do. No unit will ever deploy a soldier they believe to be fully unprepared and will conduct drills to keep the soldiers trained and ready in between combat times. You might see my Marines sparing among themselves or my Irregulars training for aerial combat to keep the soldiers sharp. I'd fully expect a seasoned commander to run his unit through practice runs so that the recruits feel calm and confidant when they face the situation for real and it's actually life or death.

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I don't think in terms of military, I think in terms of roleplaying. It's what I do best. But thanks for pointing out that I have no military experience, Kalama.

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You saying that they need all this stuff doesn't make sense to me, IMO. you say that they are slower, but can do more damage and survive longer, and the light ones with disks, as seen in mnolg, use small arms fo a reason Iwill state later. I know that this ussalry division is his idea, and goes by his rules. and when would the ussalry have such "heavy resistance", other than the bohrokswarms, which as of yet, have not been introduced and may not be introduced to the game at all. and each villages thing having "island wide operation" I dont get. each koro should have its own defence force defend itself, not wander the island with other village's business!

1:why would they need to survive longer in the wild, when they would be operating near villages and patrolling tunnels?(rhetorical) 2: even if they were going on a long range mission or chase, they would be slowed down by the extra gear and unless the escappe their chasing is an old lady on a wheelchair, then they wont bbe able to catch up. 3: if the on es as seen in mnolg with only disks are "light cavs" and "too weak" to stand up to a larger forcce, then why would they attack the hordes of rahi in the battle of kini-nui as seen in mnolg? (rhetorical) 4: rahi attacks dont come that often, and anyways, most Pcs are doing the owneding, leaving such a slow ussalry unit to mop up the rest. 5: remember, these forces are mostly volunteers, with some exceptions.


I'm answering your rhetorical questions. Because rhetoric, to be frank, does not seem something you used with them in the least bit like it should be.


1. Because Onu-Matoran tunnels are great, but they're just that: Tunnels. Some people mess up in building it or its supports simply go under too much stress, and it could be a long time before the cavalry surviving a cave-in get back to base.


And that's not all. Caves often contain many obstacles (e.g. chasms, lakes, etc.)...Not to mention that in a tunnel, one can't travel as the bird flies. One has to conform to the winding path of a cave.


Even getting past all of that it's both: a. easy to get lost/hide oneself in such a system




b. travellers have to be taken into account. Combine that, and I'd presume they're expected to (almost literally) comb Onu-Wahi's caves. That's gonna take time.




2. I'm sorry to have let this misconception mislead you all for so long. The heavy cavalry this was inspired by had horses that could traverse long distances (purportedly 120 km) at high speeds all day AND charge afterwards with no trouble. Carrying a lot of their equipment...Which was even more numerous and weighty than that of these guys. I don't see why ussals couldn't be bred for the same thing, and I don't see how they couldn't catch anyone but an 'old lady in a wheelchair' even without it.


3. Because they simply didn't have as specialized units-nor as developed tech-at the time. Disks are chill and all, but repeating crossbows have many advantages over them in size, killing power, rate of fire, ease of use, etc. Disks also don't cover for close-range too well or serve as entrenching tools, which is what saperka do apart from their last resort throwing. The lance spears rahi before they can even get close.


All these weapons are even deadlier when combined with the fact that the Ussalry works in enclosed spaces and on ussals. A ussal is faster, stronger, and taller than a matoran; because of that, a rider can charge in and skewer with devastating force before tossing away that spear and hacking with their saperka from above, or ride in beyond the range of the longest polearm and fire off a few rounds from their crossbow before galloping back.


4. This is covered by #2 to an extent. And it's not just rahi attacks they have to deal with now, but emigrants who don't particularly like the inhabitants. Just look at the mystix.


As well, these are PCs. And they are going to make themselves known as well. I mean, seriously? They can't count on a bunch of heroic guys if they travel around the island as much as do most other good-aligned PCs. They have to be ready to fight off attacks themselves.


5. ...I'm not entirely sure how this pertains to anything. Explain, please.


EDIT: Kalama said it better in this post.


And @Mef: It's okay. I can see how you missed the post.


Btw guys, don't be shy to include the optional extra weapon or two. As Onu-Matoran, they can always use more entrenching tools, so dolabras would be welcome; warhammers would be favored too for their multifunctional trait to drive stuff into the ground or just bash/spike.

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Hey, any chance the Onu-Matoran I've been planning would be allowed to join up? This seems like an intriguing concept and he would work with a change or two.

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...Maybe. But he better be able to learn fast-not to mention he has to be just that good (i.e. good enough to get into the squadron when he's not military).

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You misunderstand (I think.). I haven't actually made him yet. He was a concept I was in the process of fleshing out. With a few changes, I could make him work for the concept.


Apologies if you understood perfectly.

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Olul. I didn't...I was thinking it might be what you just said, but I felt it was probably what I commented instead.


Alright. I look forwards to seeing him in the squadron.

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Uh, Pein, having a little trouble accessing Koskium for the standard armor. Put it down as standard Ussalry armor. Will change it when I find Koskium. Other than that, I am set. First post will be made in Onu-Koro in a few minutes.

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Sorry about that. I didn't link properly...But now that's fixed. Koskium is at the bottom of my profiles; take from his 'Appearance' section their armor (the torso armor looks like the sets linked to & the armor in general is grey-black painted metal daubed wirth dirt and mud for camouflage).

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