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Kalama's Being Himself, And I Have A Blog. Logical Conclusion? >=)

a goose


Alright, so if Rahkshi attack and we know they're swarming the island because it's in the game's backstory, we're screwed.


In that case then why hasn't Makuta destroyed the Koro's defense forces, subjugate the Matoran with Rahkshi overlords, and call it a day? You've already expressed that you don't like the whole "Mata-Nui as a giant robot" thing so obviously that's not Makuta's plan of taking over the Matoran Universe and using the power of the Universe to subjugate the Matoran.


Where Makuta stands now is perhaps the best he's going to get. The Matoran fear him. He's already unstoppable and can be everywhere at once. Even if the Toa Mata are keeping him personally at bay for the last 100 years he still has plenty of Rahkshi to keep the Matoran in line. Obviously there are enough evil PC's to run interferance against the good PC's to keep them from keeping the Rahkshi AND Rahi at bay.


If the Koro's can't defend themselves then tell me... WHAT IS KEEPING THE RAHKSHI AND RAHI AT BAY?


Now if there is some overarching plot for a goal we don't yet know about that's fine but Makuta doesn't strike me as stupid and let an oppertunity for a swift decisive victory to pass. Now seems like a good time to me. Let the Rahkshi loose to push the players back and follow up with evil PC's and more Rahkshi to subjugate the villages. End Game.


The most logical solution I see here is that the Military Forces of each Koro are large enough to make such an invasion not worth the gain as too many Matoran would die resisting their oppressors and that's not what the Makuta wants. Even then, military would make up even logically half the population as not everybody wants to serve full time. Mortality is a very key factor in survival instinct.


If the population is not large enough and you are certantly limiting it, then what is keeping the Makuta from striking while the iron is hot? It can't be taking over the universe the way he did in canon because you don't like it. It can't be the Toa Mata because he's still acting through agents, infection, Rahi, and Rahkshi. Right now the only thing that would cause him (and me) to balk is the sheer numbers of fighting Matoran ready to die for the cause.


So... what's your call on that?



Source: Bzprpg News And Discussion


Alright, Kalama's being himself and reviving discussions BZPRPG staff have official told him to be quiet about.

Y'all know what this means: TIME FOR ANOTHER BLOG POST!


- PtVM


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That's the point. Even if you're not intentionally showing off your premier-ness, it seems like you are, largely due to the fact the vast majority of you blog posts are about topics that are of minor significance that no one really is all that interested in discussing. Seriously, it's getting old.

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I just like making blog entries. I'm not actually intentionally showing off my premier-ness, that was a joke. :P

Anyhow, I know most people aren't interested in discussing the things, but it means that they won't clutter up News & Discussion, even if they don't comment here. The main point of this is preventing people from spamming N&D, so that important staff messages and whatnot can still be seen.

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One of Tuckie's posts said that the Toa Mata weren't dead, and he couldn't do anything at the moment...for some reason.


Also, for some other reason, I haven't been able to access my account since I said I was quitting. Weird.

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I agree with Onarax. Pirok, why are you making a blog entry about just everything off-topic in Discussion? Most of these aren't needed. Just say 'Hey, this is getting off-topic' about stuff few wish to discuss any more and you can leave it at that.

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