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Skyrim Adventure, Part 12: In Which I Go Hunting For Witches



I've added a new entry tag for these entries, no sense in clogging up my Video Game tag with all these entries


Remember how I kept saying I was gonna go search for the Sybil? And stuff kept coming up?


I stopped by the Talos Shrine, a man had said he had information about the murder. Turns out he was dead, killed by guards who are on the Forsworn's payroll. I agreed to go to jail, in order to have a chat with the leader.

After a bit of mining and doing some favors for the prisoners, I'm allowed to meet him. He wanted me to kill one of the other prisoners. Sorry bub, but I don't take orders from anyone.


I killed the leader, as well as everyone else in the caves (LEAVE NO WITNESSES)(guess I killed the guy he wanted me to anyway lol), and waited for my time as a werewolf to run out. Upon escaping I found myself in some more ruined Dwarven ruins. I fought my way through some Spiders with a Shiv (THIS IS JUST LIKE PRISON (except for the giant Spiders)).

Then I met my old pal, the Dwarven Sphere. I still couldn't beat them. Luckily I found out that they can be snuck past, which is what I did. Once I got out I was told that all charges against me had been dropped. Good.

I sold some stuff and set out for the Sybil, for real this time.

On my way there I saw a Standing Stone on my radar/compass/whatever and took a detour. While climbing up the hill a dragon showed up. Greeeeaaaaat. A bear came over and joined in the shenanigans. Together we defeated the dragon, but then my new friend attacked me. :(

After putting him down, I made it to the Stone. The Lover Stone. +15% progression to all perks; sounds good, so I activated it.

I returned to the road and got sidetracked again, this time when I discovered a place called Blind Cliff. It seemed like just your average Forsworn complex until I found a Hagraven in a cage. She wanted me to let her out. Apparently, another Hagraven had come with the Forsworn and took over this cave she likes to call home. So what did I do?

I attacked her while she was locked up of course hehehe. Got a sweet staff that shoots fireballs. Probably not gonna use it, though.

I continued through the caves and came across the other Hagraven, along with some Forsworn bodyguards. Two sneak attack arrows later, it was just me and her.

I FUS ROH DAH'd her into a corner, where my sword made quick work of her.

What was my reward for all this? A KICKIN RAD Glass Bow.


I'm gonna travel back to Whiterun quick, to drop off a few things in my house, then return and continue to the Sybil; hopefully I won't get sidetracked anymore. Only time will tell.


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I did the exact same thing you did in the prison. At first I did everything he said and when you escape. all the prisoners get into forsworn outfits and start killing anybody in the streets. I was all like "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" so I reloaded a save and killed everybody in there. Not to mention I got a sweet ring that helps with smithing.


And yes, I'm currently using the lover's stone as well. It's one of the most useful along with the steed stone in my opinion.


I had to fight an ancient dragon to get to it though. T_T



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