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Bziii: Seven Heavenly Virtues



Member TX Wade has posted his idea to create a toa team with members based on the Seven Heavenly Virtues that counters the Daedra. This is the entry in which to discuss said idea; therefore, I will update this one as pertinent to keep up with discussion.


First Day of Discussion:


It has been largely agreed upon that this team of Virtues should be more than just foils to the Daedra.


TX Wade stated that this group will have a twist of some sort. To quote Parugi of Congratulations: '...A reason for being'.



Members Hubert and Parugi have stated one or two of their characters may join. Parugi also put forth the idea that perhaps the virtuous toa team could be more out to protect the island in general as opposed to merely combatting the Daedra.



Member Benluke-116 proposed:

Perhaps the members could all be reluctant about becoming heroes? And making them fight more enemies then just the Toa Daedra would be an good idea.

Another random thought: How about having an member that's a Skakdi or a Vortixx? He/She would still use 'Toa' as a title.

TX has vocalized his support for the general idea of the first paragraph, but also expressed he feels that this team's members should not strive for heroism. He believes they should instead try to become 'guardians'.


Second Day of Discussion:


TX Wade and Parugi expressed their dislike for the second of Benluke's proposals. They believe that skakdi and vortixx have certain evil or more neutral stigmas and do not fit in a 'toa team'.


Toa Onarax and Zoma stated that they would like Humility and Patience, respectively. Meanwhile, Parugi specified that the character he has who may join the group could serve as either Temperance or Diligence.


TX stated that he will take whichever virtue is left. He added that he is currently leaning towards Charity and Kindness.


Recommended Comments

Onarax: Pride. Who is Cool-Aid's character. Which, again, you'd have to run that partner idea by him, otherwise there would be contradicting backstory. =)

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Well it seems more people than I expected seem to want a character with the species of their own choosing. To avoid making characters redundant and boring for the user, let's go by majority vote. If I get at least three to four people, I'll probably have it happen.

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I'm a definite no. I find Toa work better together rather than with another species. Always have, always will in my opinion.

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And for easy viewing of the answers so far...


On the question of: Should the Team allow non-Toa?


No: 3 (Zoma, TX Wade, BioBeast)


Yes: 2 (BenLuke, Onarax)


Remaining voters: Hubert, Parugi

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I started and led the Toa Arete. TPTI created the name though.


I had Temperance and he was Toa of iron and the leader. But the team never really came together and it failed.


I hope yours does better

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Ah yes, I forgot that. XD



And for easy viewing of the answers so far...


On the question of: Should the Team allow non-Toa?


No: 4 (Zoma, TX Wade, BioBeast, Parugi)


Yes: 2 (BenLuke, Onarax)


Remaining voters: Hubert

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Looks like it's going to be a Toa team unless someone could give us a very good reason as to why not.


As for the name, this is just a thought but what about the Toa Advent? Advent stands for the arrival of a notable thing, person, event, etc. I find the term suits it well.

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Either one works for me, but I think Ancora sounds a bit better. The only real problem with Advent is that it sounds too... English. XP

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Ancora it is. I kind of forgot, what's the recruiter's reason to go around recruiting again...?


On a side note: Parugi, you got a problem with English? Just kidding, don't answer that :P

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Why Latin? What about Ancient Greek?


Anyway, Hmm, even if I vote Yes for non-Toa it wouldn't really make much of a difference. But meh, I'll just say Yes.

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Well, the person's reason depends on who is the one to do it.


If I do it, It'll be to get money the others owe him (Or are tricked into thinking they owe him)



I'm sure everyone has their own ideas of how their characters could do it... we just need to decide who's stuck searching the island for the other six.

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I started and led the Toa Arete. TPTI created the name though.I had Temperance and he was Toa of iron and the leader. But the team never really came together and it failed.I hope yours does better

Only because our leader, and a few others never posted...


Just saying.

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Looks like it's going to be a Toa team unless someone could give us a very good reason as to why not.


Here's my reason, we're a team that embodies the virtues and we're racist.


Plus Skakdi and Vortixx can be good.


Hubert you remember Salvinn don't you?

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Toa Onarax... that doesn't mean the team is racist... it means the person who recruits them is. (Which, my Patience could easily be. XD)


Plus, I've always liked the idea of a Toa team being made of Toa. But, that's not to say that I don't think Vortixx and Skakdi can't work with the team. It really just means that I think the team should be Toa, but they can work with anyone.


Plus, Vortixx have no elemental powers, and Skakdi only have half. It would mean two members would have to be Skakdi, further hurting the Toa team idea. If we were going to do that, there would be no point in even calling it a Toa team, just a team.


But, that's just my opinion on the matter.

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Zoma pretty much summed up what I was about to say. Zoma, thank you. Even if the recruiter is possibly racist, the fact that Toa work better together than with anyone else still hangs in the air, making it a justifiable and acceptable reason.


Not to mention this team is contrast to the Daedra which just so happens to be a Toa team as well...I think.

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No problem, glad my ability to over-explain my thoughts has turned out to be useful for once. And Toa Unity works as the best glue to keep a team together in my opinion.


I think they're all Toa this time around, but with Emperor Whenua, who knows what he has planned for his character...



Also, we still need to decide who the recruiter will be. Anyone (Besides myself) want to do it?

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Raehn/Diligence is wandering aimlessly in Onu-Wahi due to thinking she killed someone... so she's probably not the best option for the recruiter. :P


If no one volunteers, then I think the Patience idea could work. Though it might make more sense for some of the people to be recruited for reasons other than debts -- otherwise the coming together part will get stale quickly. :P


(Specifically, get Diligence to join by giving her a way to 'redeem' herself. Or something of the sort. :P)

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If chosen, Patience can mix it up for different people, that's pretty easy. Some people owe money, others are being fooled into helping him make money...


Of course, if he does and is using them all for his own profit, he's going to have a conscience crisis as he actually gets to know the others. XD

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