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Bziii: Seven Heavenly Virtues



Member TX Wade has posted his idea to create a toa team with members based on the Seven Heavenly Virtues that counters the Daedra. This is the entry in which to discuss said idea; therefore, I will update this one as pertinent to keep up with discussion.


First Day of Discussion:


It has been largely agreed upon that this team of Virtues should be more than just foils to the Daedra.


TX Wade stated that this group will have a twist of some sort. To quote Parugi of Congratulations: '...A reason for being'.



Members Hubert and Parugi have stated one or two of their characters may join. Parugi also put forth the idea that perhaps the virtuous toa team could be more out to protect the island in general as opposed to merely combatting the Daedra.



Member Benluke-116 proposed:

Perhaps the members could all be reluctant about becoming heroes? And making them fight more enemies then just the Toa Daedra would be an good idea.

Another random thought: How about having an member that's a Skakdi or a Vortixx? He/She would still use 'Toa' as a title.

TX has vocalized his support for the general idea of the first paragraph, but also expressed he feels that this team's members should not strive for heroism. He believes they should instead try to become 'guardians'.


Second Day of Discussion:


TX Wade and Parugi expressed their dislike for the second of Benluke's proposals. They believe that skakdi and vortixx have certain evil or more neutral stigmas and do not fit in a 'toa team'.


Toa Onarax and Zoma stated that they would like Humility and Patience, respectively. Meanwhile, Parugi specified that the character he has who may join the group could serve as either Temperance or Diligence.


TX stated that he will take whichever virtue is left. He added that he is currently leaning towards Charity and Kindness.


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Name: Ekage (Kindness)

Gender: Male

Species: Toa of Air

Alignment: Neutral Good

Description: Toa Mata style body, predominantly dark green with several regions of clear blue.

Mask: Mask of Rebounding.

Weapon: Two identical boomerang blades.

Powers: Elemental Air


Ekage is characterized by extreme friendliness toward the people around him, even complete strangers. He will almost always attempt to give aid to those with need of it.

While it is easy for him to make friends with others he will rarely, if ever, forgive those that have attacked him or any of his friends. He will often bombard anyone around him with questions about the surrounding area in an attempt to increase his knowledge of the island.


Ekage is a native of the Mata Nui. Before becoming a Toa he served Le-Koro as part of the Gukko Force, the local militia. He is one of the newer Toa on the island, only becoming a Toa within the last five years. He has only recently begun venturing beyond his home village of Le-Koro.


Ekage is relatively unskilled at hand to hand fighting, preferring to fight at medium range with his boomerangs. While he can use his duel blades to engage in close-corner combat he is still vulnerable to melee weapons with a longer reach.


Sorry for the wait...

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Update on the kindness and charity situation for those unaware: I'm having both BenLuke and Mef fully flesh out their characters in detail and have them both create a character for charity. I'm having them do this to give me more to work with so I can make a decision on who's best suited for which position.


Or would you guys like to vote once we're ready to choose?

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Am I the only person somewhat acquainted with English mythology? Caliburn? Excalibur? King Arthur?


By the way, Lancelot was added because the French thought English stories weren't dramatic enough.

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Oh, I'm well acquainted with English Mythology, Roman and Greek mythology, and even some of the American peoples' mythologies.


And I think a Vote is a good idea.



Also, I was wondering what you who have already finished your characters would think of starting the story now, and just not get to Kindness and Charity until they are finished?

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I'm fine with anything in terms of choosing Charity and Kindness, tbh. Although I don't see why there's such a big avoidance of Charity...? Whoever gets him/her is going to have Eyru as their opposite -- and that, frankly, is cool. X3


Zoma: I'd be up for that. =)

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I'm ready. I'll probably be in the same Wahi as whoever you visit first just to make things faster and keep people from waiting too long.

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Alright then... who wants to be recruited first? And I'd prefer it not to be Hubert's Character... he might scare away the other recruits. XD


Nah, I'm kidding Hubert.


So, who shall he seek out first?

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I realized something else. Parugi's characters are foils of one another.


@Hub then it looks like Kraeyn is more screwed than Quada. Karz having to fight their leader.



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Funnily enough, that whole "Raehn is the opposite of Decaia" thing was intentional from both beings' creations -- even before the new Virtues team was thought of. x3

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