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Skyrim Adventure, Part 18: In Which I Become A Ghostbuster, Again: Companions Edition



alternative title: In Which I Go Hunting For Witches, Again: Beheading Edition


I decided to tackle the Lexicon quest, and fast traveled to the nearest location. I fought a Dragon on my way there.

The place happened to be some Dwarven ruins... I don't like Dwarven ruins.

Inside I came across Dwarven Spiders for the first time. They zapped me a lot. Of course, the ruins also contained my old buddies, the Dwarven Spheres. Now that I'm a higher level I can actually handle them. Eventually I made it to the final room and faced off against a GIANT ROBOT aka Dwarven Centurion. I lured it into the previous room and killed it with a trap. I placed the Lexicon in its spot and gained ANCIENT KNOWLEDGE which gives me some bonuses to armor and smithing.

I tackled a few misc quests that involved making deliveries so I could lower my weight.

After that, I decided to do the old Companion quest and go hunting for witches. I wiped 'em all out with little difficulty and took their heads.

I returned triumphant, only to find out the Silver Hand had launched an attack on Jorrvaskr. They were unsuccessful, but the leader Kodlak (who asked me to do this quest so he could be cured) had died. I felt much sadness and anger. Needless to say, when the Companions wanted to launch an attack on the Silver Hands' main base, I was ready to lead the charge. And I did. We wiped them all out.

We returned to Whiterun and attended Kodlak's funeral. The Circle held a meeting and agreed to carry out his wishes of being cured, even though he had died. Eorlund, the blacksmith, had repaired Wuuthard, an axe that was also the key to the Companions' resting ground, Ysgramor's Tomb. It was very far away from any locations I had found, so I had a lot of walking to do.

On my way there I took a small detour and found the Tower Stone. I left it unactivated.

I met the Circle members there and we fought our way through Ghosts of Christmas Companions Past. In the final chamber, Kodlak's ghost stood waiting. I threw a witch head in the fire and slayed his wolf spirit, setting him free.

I then married Aela the Huntress. If only Kodlak could've been there to walk her down the aisle.

I decided to join up with the Thieves Guild. Apparently they like hiding out underground (LIKE THE RODENTS THEY ARE). I'm morally unhappy with this questline, but my completionism demands I go on. I chatted with the members a bit. The boss wanted me to burn down some bee hives to teach someone a lesson. I also found out some of the mysterious gems I've been finding are part of a set.

I returned above ground (apparently there's a secret entrance to the hideout in Riften's graveyard) and dropped a few things off in my house, ready to set out.


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It helps if you imagine that the people you're stealing from/framing are all horrible murderers who slaughter innocents.


Do that, and just try feeling bad.


- :burnmad:

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If you have problems with the thieves guild, just wait until you join the dark brotherhood.


Though of course, there's a quest where you can fail the dark brotherhood and destroy it instead, but the gameplay and loot is way better if you join it.


And if you're really having trouble doing a quest, why don't you just make a new character?



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Who said anything about a single questline? For this character just have him/her not do the thieves guild. Then with your next character, make it a completely different play style (I dunno, maybe very good at archery or uses a warhammer or something) and this character does do the quest line. This is sort of what I did with my Argonian dual wielding warrior who uses conjuration. I also have my shield wielding/pure mage high elf.


Though I have to admit, I'm a completionist as well. My Argonian has already joined/finished all the guilds and factions, but that's okay with me since he's a wild card.


And really, for the most part the thieves guild aren't terrible people. Just don't do the small quests Vex or that other guy gives you where you just steal random things from random people.



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I will definitely make another character with another playstyle sometime, but not while I'm still playing with this character.

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I can understand that. The only reason I started another character is because before my xbox was stolen I had almost done all the main quests with my Argonian, so I started a new one. After it was stolen, I really wanted to continue doing both, so now almost every time I start playing Skyrim, I switch characters.



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