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Waaah X3

Taka Nuvia


Okay guys, so before I explode into a cloud of dark glitter and pure glee, I want to apologise for the (short, but still) hiatus; school work kept me busy, and I was not at home for the weekend. I'm sorry.


But imagine my surprise when I come home on sunday, hit F5 in my comic topic, and see the notice that I made it to the front page. Gah. I was shocked, stunned, and somewhat proud, I admit that.

No, I don't want to brag about it. I don't want to show off. I just try to express my happiness. :3

Also, once again, thanks for the feedback everyone. :happydance:


New comic is on the way, it should be up within the next 2 days. ^^


Now onto what happened within the past days:


Do you remember that biology test I wrote what feels like ages ago? The one that was to be repeated? Well, on the second go, I finally got the equivalent to an A. Yay me! ^^


I HATE reports. English homework was to write one. Okay, so if I follow the given structure, use expressions given, and write about the given scenario with only 180 to 220 words - where's the fun? :cry:

I dislike, dislike, dislike them. But yeah, we might have to write one for our final exams, so we need to practise them. Still... >.>


got a new mp3 player, with touch screen, which is funny because it's my first ever device without buttons. I feel so up-to-date x3


Recently, I found myself sleeping much less than I used to. It takes me longer to fall asleep, and I wake up earlier. Not awesome. I like sleeping. :/


Please ignore my wacky formatting. It might be because of the lack of sleep, or because of my sheer happiness. Truth be told, I've been far too happy over the past few days. not that being happy would be a bad thing, but I'm almost over-euphoric. Ah well.


tl;dr: Had a nice time, want to post more now, school's okay, comic update on the way, mood: yay! :biggrin:


Recommended Comments

Taka, it is your god given right to brag. You made an amazing comic that made it's way to the front page.Once again, congratulations! ~U_K~

D'awwwwwies, thanks a lot :3


I told you, you're a celebrity! ^_^

Thanks, but... I doubt I am




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