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The Adventures Of Mufasa Shepard



If you haven't seen what Mufasa Shepard looks like yet, just go look in one of my recent entries.


Anyway, my crew and I were on Virmire, but when I got out of my mako, it said Liara and Kaiden were right beside the mako on the map, except they weren't there. This happened every time I got out of the vehicle. I use some biotic powers on some geth and one of them flies towards the mako. He gets up and starts shooting thin air. I ignore it, and continue fighting the other geth. I eventually come back to see Liara has reappeared but was killed by the geth. There's also this really strange thing next to them both. I kill the geth and then walk over to them.

Apparently while he was invisible, Kaiden Decided to become a snake.

And before you ask, yes, The first thing Liara did when she came back to life was start tea-bagging beside him.

I try to talk to Kaiden to try convincing him that I need a human in my crew, not a snake, but instead he just throws a hissy fit and tries to teleport into a wall.

It didn't go well.

So for his punishment, I decided to kill him.

Also, I found out Mufasa has brain damage. While we were going through the Krogan breeding facility, she came upon a Salarian who had been captured. The rest of his squad had been indoctrinated and were long gone. Even though he pleaded and pleaded with reason, Mufasa thought it would be too risky and left him to die. A few minutes later she finds another captured Salarian, but this time this one can't stop talking about voices talking to him. Against her squadmate's judgement, she let him free. Then he attacked her and she killed him.

Anyway, then I killed Saren and stopped Soveriegn's plan. The end.


And then I died.

But fear not! Cerberus saved me and made me even more beautiful than before! They even gave me botox!



Anyway, now I'm just chillin in omega with my brand new pink armor with yellow and green details.

Nice place ya' got here.


Also, Bunda decided to pop in as just as I was taking a picture.

Thanks a lot Bunda >=(




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