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Quiz, Round One

ToM Dracone


There's this quiz tournament thing going on at my school right now... Yeah, nerdy, but really fun. :P There wound up being seven teams of four people each, from varying grade levels.


My team is myself, Henry, Dani, and Mike (all Sophomores), and last Friday and today we played against Youri's team (all Juniors). What is really cool is that on Friday, Dani and Mike both had meetings they had to go to, so Henry and I were the only ones playing against a full team of four. And we thoroughly owned them – at one point the score was 90 to 10, our favor. Then, however, the category became Spanish. Henry and I take Latin and French. So they caught up then, but we gained back ground in the Latin category and finished the day at 120 to 80. (The Latin category was weird, though, because instead of giving Latin phrases, they read legal terms and we had to provide the Latin phrase used. I really should have known Quod Erat Demonstrandum.)


Today we had both Dani and Mike with us and gained a lot more points in the category of Greek letters (something I expected to be terrible at) and some in the mystery category, which turned out to be Ronald Reagan. Then we won the game with 200 points to 110. It was awesome.


However, there are still more rounds to go, and I dread going against the Senior team of Olivia, John, Adam, and Alexandra, who are the school's resident masters of random facts.


In other news, I wrote three more inches of QfLD last night, have completed CGing my stylizations of Jaller, Nuparu, and Hewkii Mahri, and have decided to learn Greek.

~ ToM


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You mean to tell me you don't already know the greek alphabet?

*laughs at something he knows, yet ToM doesn't*


Trust me: as many formulæ as I had to go through in college, I know my greek alphabet.



Quiz Bowl was the most fun thing my senior year. And the answer to every architecture question is "Frank Lloyd Wright." :P



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You mean to tell me you don't already know the greek alphabet?

*laughs at something he knows, yet ToM doesn't*


Trust me: as many formulæ as I had to go through in college, I know my greek alphabet.



Quiz Bowl was the most fun thing my senior year. And the answer to every architecture question is "Frank Lloyd Wright." :P




Or Simon and Garfunkel. :P

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Alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lamda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega.


Did I get that right?


Anyway yeah. I too laugh that I know the Greek alphabet and you don't. And I knew QED too! They put that at the end of geometric proofs.


That which was to be demonstrated!

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Oh, shush, you. :P I know half of what I do already from Advanced Algebra/Precalculus this year. Give me a few weeks and I'll have it down. If I can learn the Tengwar, I can learn the Greek alphabet, and I have full intentions of learning Greek itself, too. :sly:


...Yeah, I'm going to go edit that to reflect things more completely. :P


Haha, I won the quiz bowl my old school had in 6th grade, and I think the only real competition Henry, Dani, and I have is the Senior team...

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