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Change Of Plans!



Well, things didn't exactly turn out the first time through with my plan. There was only one survivor of the people who had been holding the line, but it was Mordin. I had forgotten to take into account that even though he's one of the first to die for holding the line, he was also the only one of them with his loyalty mission done, so the non-loyal crew died first. All I had to do instead was complete Samara's loyalty mission, and then leave Jacob, Morinth, and Mordin to hold the line, leaving two survivors instead of one.


Also, this playthrough has one thing that went wrong for me. I told Kal'Reegar to help me out, and I heard him die, but apparently Adam Baldwin is way too awesome and decided to show up when I was talking to Tali. Other than that, this playthrough succeeded in being horrible. Then I went on to kill Zaeed in a fire.


Also, when I jumped on the Normandy in the last part of the suicide mission, I suddenly had a horrible thought that my name would cause me to die.

I was inspired and made this (Sorry for the bluriness of the first pic, I had to resort to my cellphone camera):






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Well, since I arranged for 2 survivors, and there were 3 loyal people holding the line, Mordin struck out since he was the weakest. Morinth and Jacob are my only crew members.



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Well, for the worst playthrough ever, Morinth is a killer who will probably continue murdering people once she leaves my crew. That's pretty bad. And I need Jacob alive because I want to see what happens if I cheat on Liara with someone who's still living.



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